Abcourt Mines samples 59.9 g/t gold near Cartwright deposit on its Flordin property, Quebec

Abcourt Mines Inc. [TSXV-ABI; OTCQB-ABMBF] reported its prospecting and mapping results on its Flordin property in the Lebel-sur-Quévillon area, Quebec. The fieldwork, carried out in early June 2024, resampled old trenches sunk in the rock near the old Cartwright shaft.
The mineralization consists of injections of pyrite and hematite into a sheared and altered basalt. High gold grades have been obtained (up to 59.9 g/t gold) in this type of mineralization. Recall that the 2023 drilling also intercepted this type of high-grade gold mineralization (up to 14.79 g/t gold over 4 metres.
Surface work has followed over 3 km in strike length of high-grade gold mineralization across the entire property. As a result of the work carried out, we can confirm that the pyrite, hematite and gold-rich band mineralization sampled in the field by our team is possibly the surface expression of the south zone that was intercepted by Cambior in 1988 in hole S-158 (3 g/t gold over 16 metres). This is located at the eastern end of the Flordin deposit and intersected a lithology described as being made up of “magnetic mafic bands, strongly altered and mineralized, brecciated, carbonated, hematized and mineralized in fine disseminated pyrite”.
Also, the drilling work carried out in 2011 on the Flordin property, by North American Palladium, directly connects the area of the 2023 Abcourt drilling to the Cartwright deposit. The conclusion of the report of the work of T. Birkett, Eng. states: “The drilling drilled between the Flordin deposit and the Cartwright Zone to study the continuity of the mineralized zones between these two areas has revealed good grades and shows numerous intersections above 1 g/t gold as well as several values above 5 g/t gold. These results allow us to establish continuity between the mineralized zones of the Flordin deposit and those of Cartwright.”
Assays show the most significant gold results obtained in the area of the old trenches near the old Cartwright shaft: 22.874 g/t gold, 24.808 g/t, 31.670 g/t, 59.905 g/t, 7.034 g/t, 47.972 g/t, 14.454 g/t and 14.480 g/t gold.
In order to properly expose the recently updated mineralized zones, we have applied for an authorization permit for deforestation and stripping from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests. Upon receipt of this authorization, we will proceed with the stripping and channeling of the newly discovered mineralized zones in the Cartwright area.
Pascal Hamelin, President and CEO commented: “Recent prospecting work demonstrates the surface continuity of the high-grade gold zones. We believe that the southern area is continuous for more than 3 km on either side of our property. The stripping work that will follow shortly will demonstrate the relevance of our approach. We view our Flordin property as a significant gold opportunity within our project portfolio.”
Abcourt owns the Sleeping Giant mine and mill, where it focuses its development activities.