T2 Metals reports 6.8 g/t gold over 23.5 metres at Sherridon VHMS Project, Manitoba

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T2 Metals Corp. [TSXV-TWO; OTCQB-AGLAF; WKN- A2DR6E] reported a third set of results from the 2023 Q4 infill and delineation drill program at the Sherridon Project, Manitoba, that include the highest gold grades reported from the project to date. Sherridon is a well-known Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) camp in the Flin Flon – Snow Lake Greenstone Belt, with both a significant mining history and substantial copper-rich historical resources calculated on behalf of Halo Resources in 2010. The project has year-round road access, is 70 km from the mining centre of Flin Flon, and lies adjacent to an operating rail line.

These data represent the third set of results and include 3 shallow holes from the southeast end of the Lost Lake prospect targeted on the basis of a shallow southeast plunging exploration model. Of particular note is hole SHN23005, drilled near the southeasternmost limits of the known Lost Lake resource, with very high grades of gold and copper over 23.5 metres. The intersection lies only 20 metres below surface and includes some of the highest gold grades ever discovered at Sherridon.

The high gold and copper grades over a broad interval highlight the potential of VHMS style of mineralization in complexly folded host rocks. Gold grades have been higher than anticipated in numerous holes in the 2023 Q4 program, indicative of improved analytical methods vs prior explorers. Gold results in hole SHN23005 were re-checked with screen fire assay to overcome potential coarse gold analytical issues. Additional ground in the Sherridon area has been staked by T2 Metals in response to the results from this drilling program.

Drilling Highlights – Lost Lake: SHN23005 returned 23.50 m grading 1.18% Cu, 1.46% Zn, 6.8 g/t Au and 40.4 g/t Ag (7.4% CuEq) from 38.00 m; including 4.50 m grading 0.38% Cu, 0.02% Zn, 29.2 g/t Au and 138.8 g/t Ag (25.0% CuEq) from 38.00 m; including 8.67 m grading 2.48% Cu, 3.59% Zn, 2.5 g/t Au and 30.0 g/t Ag (5.8 % CuEq) from 50.05 m.

SHN23006 returned 4.00 m grading 0.07% Cu, 0.42% Zn, 1.6 g/t Au and 17.6 g/t Ag (1.7% CuEq) from 154.00 m. SHN23007 returned 6.70 m grading 0.82% Cu, 2.62% Zn, 0.3 g/t Au and 7.7 g/t Ag (2.0% CuEq) from 84.82 m, including 2.54 m grading 1.48% Cu, 5.19% Zn, 0.7 g/t Au and 14.4 g/t Ag (3.8% CuEq) from 88.98 m;

Reported drill intercepts are downhole core lengths with true thickness estimated to be at least 90% of core downhole length.

Mark Saxon, CEO of T2 Metals Corp., said, “This set of high gold drill results from the southeast end of the Lost Lake prospect represent a key moment for the Sherridon project. Gold-rich and gold-dominant VHMS deposits are well known from the Flin Flon – Snow Lake Greenstone Belt and form very attractive targets. The grade and thickness of SHN23005 demonstrates the quality of mineralization that can exist at Sherridon, presenting new targets throughout the project area.

The Sherridon project is a relatively underexplored part of the Flin Flon – Snow Lake Greenstone Belt, particularly with respect to deep drilling and targets similar to that drilled in SHN23005 lay completely untouched. We are very encouraged by the success of our exploration programs to date, along with the support of the Kiciwapa Cree and the Manitoba Mineral Development Fund (MMDF).”

Twelve holes for a total of 1,500 metres were completed by T2 Metals during Q4 2023, testing a total strike length of 1,420 metres within, between and southeast of the Cold Lake and Lost Lake Deposits. These two deposits occur along a VHMS horizon that is both parallel to and normally less than 850 metres perpendicular to the VHMS horizon that hosts Sherritt Gordon’s historic Sherridon East and Sherridon West Mines, where 7.74 million tonnes were mined at an average grade of 2.46% Cu, 2.84% Zn, 0.6 g/t Au and 33 g/t Ag (Goetz & Froese, 1981) between 1931 and 1951.

The Lost Lake and Cold Lake zones comprise a continuously mineralized horizon over a known strike length of approximately 1.8 km. The current T2 Metals drilling campaign further delineates shallow-dipping and plunging massive sulphide lenses and extends the historical drilling results by the previous explorers.

T2 Metals continues to target under-explored areas, including the Sherridon, Lida, Cora and Copper Eagle projects where post-mineralization cover masks areas of high geological prospectivity in the vicinity of major mines.

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