Stellar AfricaGold exploring Zuenoula project Côte d’Ivoire, Africa

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Stellar AfricaGold Inc. [TSXV: SPX] reported that it has completed a comprehensive review of satellite imagery covering the company’s 395.8 km2 Zuénoula Gold Permit in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Africa.

A concentration of artisanal mining activities that appear to align with high densities of lineaments were identified reinforcing the prospectivity of the identified gold – mineralized target areas which will be the focus of ground exploration activities including a program of community engagement meetings and a preliminary site visit underway now which will be followed by a mapping and sampling survey over areas of interest.

The Zu é noula g old exploration permit, which spans a significant area totalling 395.8 km2, is situated at a critical geological juncture between granitoid formations and the Birimian greenstone belt along a prominent regional NE–SW trending shear zone, a formation known for its potential to host gold mineralization.

Stellar’s Zuénoula Gold Project is presently targeting a 22-kilometre-long section of that shear zone, where initial geophysical and geological data suggest a strong correlation between the regional shear zone and the potential for discovery of gold-bearing structures.

In September 2024, Stellar completed a comprehensive satellite imagery study to refine and prioritize prospective areas within the permit. RADARSAT-1 data was used to create an enhanced lineament map, and Landsat imagery was leveraged to delineate lithological boundaries. The analysis revealed a concentration of artisanal mining activities that aligns with high density of lineaments, reinforcing the prospectivity of the identified gold mineralized targets.

Stellar’s in-country team is currently conducting its first site visit, meeting with local communities from the four primary settlements within the Zuénoula permit area. Discussions were also held with the Director of Mines for the Bouaflé region and Zuénoula’s governing administrative authorities. These interactions are integral to Stellar’s commitment to responsible exploration, encouraging open communication, and fostering strong relationships with local stakeholders.

The field will also visit prospective areas identified by the satellite imagery analysis and make preparations for follow-on mapping and soil geochemistry campaign. This groundwork will ensure that exploration activities are conducted efficiently and in alignment with both technical and community considerations.

Stellar’s principal exploration projects are the Company’s recently granted, prospective Zuénoula gold exploration permit in Côte d’Ivoire and its advancing 82 km2 Tichka Est Gold Project in Morocco for which the extension to the earn-in option is currently being negotiated with ONYHM, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines, Morocco.

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