Alianza drills 8 metres of 81.4 g/t silver at Haldane Project, Yukon

Alianza Minerals Ltd. [ANZ-TSXV; TARSF-OTC] reported the final two holes from the 2021 drilling campaign at its wholly-owned Haldane high-grade silver property in the historic Keno Hill Mining District, Yukon Territory.
Drilling focused on the West Fault Complex target where a strong vein-fault system with high-grade silver mineralization is being defined. Following up on the success in earlier holes, HLD21-26 and HLD21-27 infilled and further extended the West Fault mineralization by 50 metres along strike to the northeast.
The 8,579 hectare Haldane property is located in the western portion of the Keno Hill Silver District, 25 km west of Keno City. Exploration at Haldane is targeting extensions of historical high-grade silver production on the property as well as recently defined targets, such as the West Fault, in new areas of the property.
“In our two drilling campaigns over the past 12 months at Haldane, we have discovered and started to define high-grade silver bearing veins within the West Fault Complex,” stated Jason Weber, P.Geo, President and CEO. “After the exceptional result from drilling late in 2020 in HLD20-19, our approach was to determine the orientation of high grade shoots of vein mineralization through a grid pattern of 50-metre step-outs on strike and down dip.
“This approach was successful in extending mineralization to depth and identifying the likely orientation of high-grade silver mineralization. Although strong veining within the West Fault structure was seen in both HLD21-26 and HLD21-27, the overall width was slightly wider and the galena (and closely associated silver) content was lower in general which leads us to believe that the strongest, thickest and potentially highest grade mineralization may lie along strike to the southwest and down plunge. We look forward to our next phase of work which will target this extension.”
HLD21-26 intersected the West Fault structure at 268.43 metres over a core length of 15.42 metres (TW 9.25 m), exhibiting good strength and width. Strong siderite/sulphide breccia and veining was intersected at 270.41 metres, returning a 5.09-metre (TW 3.05 m) intersection of 205 g/t silver (369 g/t silver-equivalent). The highest grade interval of 0.55 metres (TW 0.33 m) of 437 g/t silver, 9.99% lead and 16.9% zinc (1,383 g/t silver-equivalent) consisted of very strong siderite-galena-sphalerite with trace tetrahedrite in veins and breccia.
HLD21-27 intersected the West Fault structure at 222.40 metres over a core length of 16.75 metres (TW 10.05 m). Strong siderite vein and vein breccia with banding open-space fill textures was intersected at 225.00 metres, returning an 8.00-metre (4.80 m estimated true width) intersection of weakly mineralized material grading 81.4 g/t silver (113 g/t silver-equivalent). This intersection expanded vein mineralization at the West Fault 50 metres northeast along strike from HLD20-19 that intersected 8.30 metres (TW 4.48 m) of 444 g/t silver (554 g/t silver-equivalent).
Holes HLD21-26 and -27 intersected the upper WF2 vein. Current interpretation is that a “step over” from the WF1 vein to the WF2 occurs in the vicinity of the HLD21-24 and -25, where the width and grade of the vein is the strongest.
Current understanding indicates that stepping out along strike to the southwest and down dip along the structure from HLD21-24 and -25, where highest grades and thicknesses of veining to date have been intersected, is most prospective. However, the possibility still remains that stronger mineralization may redevelop along strike to the northeast of HLD21-26, and -27 where in excess of 350 metres of structure remains open.
The West Fault Complex is traced for over 650 metres and can be interpreted to extend to 1.1 km in length before merging with the 2.2 km-long Main Zone structure. Drill testing to date covers only a fraction of the West Fault Complex target.