American Eagle Gold drills 0.5% CuEq over 900 metres at Nak, British Columbia

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American Eagle Gold Corp. [TSXV-AE; OTCQB-AMEGF] reported Hole NAK23-12 has intersected 900 metres of 0.50% CiEq (copper equivalent) from surface in the North zone of Nak copper-gold porphyry project, northern British Columbia.

Highlights: NAK23-12 returned 900 metres of 0.50% CuEq from surface in the North Copper Zone, including 540 metres of 0.61% CuEq from 344 metres.

Copper contributed over 70% of the CuEq calculation, averaging 0.35% copper throughout the 900-metre intercept.

NAK23-12 affirms that the North zone, like the South Copper-Gold Zone (South Zone) hosts broad and continuous mineralization. Drill hole ended in strong mineralization, measuring 3 metres of 1% copper equivalent six metres from the end of hole. Assays from five additional drill holes are pending.

“NAK23-12 represents our most consistently mineralized interval over such a wide length. This hole’s high copper content also stands out, accounting for over 70% of the reported Copper Equivalent grade within the hole. NAK23-12 continues validating NAK’s scale and grade in the North and South Zones. Notably, this hole also ended in high-grade mineralization of 1% CuEq, highlighting that this system remains open in all directions and at depth.”

NAK23-12 was collared 190 metres west of hole NAK22-04 and drilled on a 080 azimuth, testing the east-west extent of the bornite-rich copper mineralization encountered in NAK22-04. From 80 metres to 119.80 metres, a densely bornite and chalcopyrite-mineralized fine-grained dyke was encountered in contact with variably mineralized host sedimentary rocks.

The dyke returned 39.8 metres of 0.95% CuEq, including 0.86% copper, and was associated with a broader 50 metres interval, including disseminated mineralization in the bounding sedimentary rocks, returning 0.88% CuEq.

At 344 metres depth, NAK23-12 encountered a strongly mineralized conglomerate that hosts abundant disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite within both clasts and matrix of the conglomerate, along with common shallow dipping veins and veinlets of bornite and chalcopyrite. Bornite increases in abundance relative to chalcopyrite with depth, as it did in NAK22-04, and chalcocite mineralization appears in narrow veinlets below 600 metres. At a depth of 840 metres, the first instance of Babine stock granodiorite was encountered.

It hosts a similar abundance of bornite-chalcocite-chalcopyrite veins as the conglomerate but lacks the densely disseminated sulphide. Assays from 351 metres to the beginning of the consistent granodiorite at 884 metres returned 540 metres grading 0.61% CuEq, with 0.41% Cu and 0.16g/t Au.

Alteration below 344 metres is consistent with the potassic alteration observed with South Zone mineralization, with magnetite-biotite rich replacements and seams, along with common pink potassium feldspar alteration selvages to sulphide veins.

Assays for drill holes NAK23-13 and -14 will be received in the coming weeks. These holes were drilled to the south and north of the east-west section containing holes NAK23-12 and NAK22-04, testing the east-west extent of the North zone mineralization in those areas. Both holes encountered encouraging bornite-chalcopyrite mineralization within conglomeratic rocks over broad intervals. These observations, along with those from the Company’s drilling at the South Zone this season, strongly suggest that good exploration potential exists between the two zones to the west of the 2022 drill fence, which is west of the only deep hole drilled between the zones (hole NAK22-03, which returned 906 metres of 0.21% CuEq).

The NAK Project is in the Babine copper-gold porphyry district of British Columbia, near past-producing mines and with excellent infrastructure. Previous drilling at NAK revealed a large near-surface copper-gold system measuring over 1.5 km x 1.5 km.

Historical exploration was limited to shallow depths, averaging 170 metres. In 2022, American Eagle’s 2022 drilling program explored deeper and discovered significant copper-gold mineralization along a northerly trend. The objective for 2023 is to expand the known mineralized footprint at NAK and to identify higher-grade zones of copper and gold. The property is accessible by road and can be drilled year-round. The promising initial results make NAK a candidate for further exploration.

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