American Eagle Gold drills 1.03 g/t AuEq over 175 metres at NAK, British Columbia

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American Eagle Gold Corp. [TSXV-AE; OTCQB-AMEGF] has significantly expanded its at-surface high-grade gold zone at the NAK Project, west-central British Columbia, Canada.

The company is reporting assay results for three recently drilled holes from the gold zone and two holes drilled across the main zone. The gold zone holes were drilled in different directions, and each returned well over 100 metres of one g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) from surface. The results significantly increase the gold zone’s size by extending it to depth and to the north. The company believes this near-surface high-grade gold and copper resource will be vital to unlocking the economic viability of the NAK project.

Gold zone highlights: NAK24-23: 175 m of 1.03 g/t AuEq from surface. NAK24-21: 275 m of 0.9 g/t AuEq from surface. NAK24-19: 108 m of 1.00 g/t AuEq from surface.

“The expansion of our higher-grade gold zone from surface at NAK continues to impress. The substantial volume of copper-gold mineralization surrounding the newly expanded gold zone, coupled with NAK’s unique infrastructure advantages, with gentle terrain, drive-on year-round access for drilling from a logging cut-block, and proximity to full-service towns and a major transportation corridor, positions NAK for success. Simply put, NAK is easy to access and has great topography, which are major advantages relative to its porphyry peers when considering exploration costs and operational and buildout costs when evaluating NAK’s economic potential. These holes represent the first few results of the program and we expect drilling to continue through November, with consistent updates on our progress,” said Anthony Moreau, CEO.

Drill holes NAK24-24, NAK24-26, and NAK24-28 have visually confirmed further expansion of the gold zone, with NAK24-24 and NAK24-26 traversing north and northwest, respectively, of NAK24-21, beyond the gold-enriched stockwork mineralization, drilling into the south and central parts of the broader main zone of more copper-rich mineralization that extends in that direction.

American Eagle expects NAK’s current drill program to continue into November, with assays being released upon receipt and following QA/QC (quality assurance/quality control).

Three additional holes have been drilled in the gold zone and are awaiting results. NAK24-24 was collared from the same location as NAK24-21 and NAK24-23, drilling at a 55-degree inclination to the north.

South to north main zone drilling highlights: NAK24-18: 816 metres of 0.25% CuEq, including 25 metres of 2.01% CuEq and 12 metres of 1.43% CuEq.

NAK24-20: 316 metres of 0.37% CuEq and 83 metres of 0.52% CuEq within 557 metres of 0.32% CuEq, all within 827 metres of 0.29% CuEq.

Along with holes NAK24-18 and NAK24-20, three further holes, NAK24-22, NAK24-25 and NAK24-27, have been collared on the main zone trend connecting mineralization in the south, at the gold zone and in rocks contiguous to the west (NAK23-08, NAK23-11, NAK23-17, NAK23-10 and NAK23-16), with generally more copper-rich rocks in the north in the historical copper zone (NAK23-12 and NAK23-14).

The continuing 2024 drill program, which was planned for 15,000 metres, will focus on the main zone, by continuing to link, better define and expand upon the historical north (copper zone) and south (gold zone) zones, and associated mineralization to the west, which the company showed in its 2022 and 2023 drill programs to extend to considerable depths (close to 950 m below surface) along a strike length of 750 m and across a width of approximately 400 m. Intercepts from 2023 include 900 m of 0.50% CuEq from surface in the north and 302 metres of 1.09% CuEq within 606 m of 0.74% CuEq starting from 98 metres downhole in the south.

The NAK project lies within the Babine copper-gold porphyry district of central British Columbia. It has excellent infrastructure through all-season roads and is close to the towns of Smithers, Houston and Burns Lake in B.C., which lie along a major rail line and Highway 16. Historical drilling and geophysical, geological and geochemical work at NAK, which began in the 1960s, tested only to shallow depths.

Still, the work revealed a very large near-surface copper-gold system that measures over 1.5 km by 1.5 km. Drilling completed in 2022 and 2023 by American Eagle has returned significant intervals of high-grade copper-gold mineralization that lie beyond the extent of historical drilling, indicating that several zones of near-surface and deeper mineralization, locally with considerably higher grades, exist within the broader NAK property mineralizing system.

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