Argentina’s message at PDAC: The best is yet to come
By Joseph Grosso – Executive Chairman, Golden Arrow Resources Corp.
Argentina’s government, through its newly appointed Secretary of Mines, Daniel Meilán, confirmed the various fiscal policy changes implemented by the new government in office that will provide incentives and attract mining investors to develop the vast natural resources of the country that are virtually untouched within the shared 4,500-km border with Chile.
The Secretary’s message was given predominantly to an audience of believers in the potential of Argentina’s geology and who have kept the faith year after year for 15-plus years and more under the previous administration.
Meilán was also accompanied by various provincial authorities from San Juan, Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja and others who, while having political differences, came together united and supportive of advancing mining and were positive on the fiscal policy changes made by the federal government which were needed and long awaited by foreign investors.
Meilán’s vision and goal is to bring all the provinces under a united National/Provincial Mining Code to ensure the development of natural resources as the main driver and contributor of the Argentine economy and put an end to the current destabilizing diversity of rules imposed by each province which is, at best, confusing to investors (unanimity is strength). The message was clear from Secretary Meilán who confirmed that the “best is yet to come”.
As a friend and corporate citizen of Argentina for 24 consecutive years, this PDAC conference was very special in that it brought government leaders from all political perspectives together and in support of the new government’s policies announced during the first 70 days of being in office which should be conducive to produce the three‑legged objective of:
- A Win for Communities
- A Win for Government
- A Win for Investors
The audience attending the Argentine presentation at PDAC was large with many familiar Argentine faces and it is hoped that all the governmental authorities present become keen ambassadors of Secretary Meilán’s message so that it becomes a reality.
This year the attendance at PDAC was lower (1,000 exhibitors and 23,500 attendees from over 100 countries) although the atmosphere at the convention did not fail to inject the usual excitement, new ideas and hope for an economic turnaround with financings on the horizon.