Arizona Mining drills 87 feet of 31.7% zinc, 15.4% lead and 5 oz/ton silver at Taylor

Drilling at the Taylor Project, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Source: Arizona Mining Inc.

Arizona Mining Inc. [AZ-TSX] reported the results of three exploration drill holes from its current program on the Taylor zinc-lead-silver sulfide deposit located on its 100%-owned Hermosa Project in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. This brings the total number of drill holes reported in the 2016-2017 program to 62.
HDS-413 is an angled drill hole (-82 degrees) drilled to infill an area southwest of the previously reported resource area. HDS-413 intersected seven distinct mineralized sulfide horizons which, when added together, give a total cumulative mineralized thickness of 716 feet. Six of the mineralized zones are in the Taylor Sulfide zone and one intersected the Taylor Deeps Sulfide Zone. Some of the best results in the hole included:
- 402 feet of 12.8% zinc, 7.2% lead and 2.3 oz/ton silver, including an 87-foot zone of 31.7% zinc, 15.4% lead and 5.0 oz/ton silver, including 15 feet of 17.7% zinc, 18.2% lead and 12.6 oz/ton silver
- 203 feet of 4.4% zinc, 3.6% lead and 1.1 oz/ton silver, including 21 feet of 10.7% zinc, 8.9% lead and 2.6 oz/ton silver, including 15 feet of 14.5% zinc, 10.3% lead and 3.1 oz/ton silver
HDS-406 is an angled drill hole (-85 degrees) drilled to infill an area of the previously reported mineral resource. The hole encountered three mineralized veins in the volcanics and four mineralized horizons within the Taylor Sulfide zone and two mineralized horizons in the Taylor Deeps Sulfide Zone. When added together, the Taylor Sulfide Zone intervals have a cumulative thickness of 136.5 feet. Most notable among the mineralized horizons includes:
- 12 feet of 7.5% zinc, 3.7% lead and 1.6 oz/ton silver
- 71 feet of 12.0% zinc, 9.4% lead and 3.0 oz/ton silver
HDS-407 is a vertical infill hole that intersected two mineralized veins;  eight mineralized horizons in the Taylor Sulfide Zone plus a significant zone of mineralization in the Taylor Deeps Sulfide Zone. Most notable among the mineralized horizons is the mineralization in the Taylor Deeps Sulfide zone which assayed:
- 55 feet assaying 10.1% zinc, 9.5% lead and 6.0 oz/ton silver
For a full list of the vein, Taylor Sulfide and Taylor Deeps Sulfide mineralized intervals from these holes please refer to company press release.
CEO Jim Gowans said,  “These drill results continue to confirm the continuity of the Taylor Sulfide portion of the deposit and expand the footprint of the new Taylor Deeps zone.”
The Taylor Deposit, a zinc-lead-silver carbonate replacement deposit, has a NI 43-101 compliant resource of 31.1 million tons indicated grading 10.9% zinc equivalent (ZnEq) and 82.7 million tons inferred grading 11.1% ZnEq both utilizing a 4% ZnEq cutoff. The Taylor deposit remains open to the north, west and south over land controlled by the company. The company’s other project on the Hermosa property is the Central deposit, a silver-manganese manto oxide project.