Astra Exploration drills 4.49 g/t AuEq over 9 metres at Pampa Paciencia, Chile

Astra Exploration Inc. [ASTR-TSXV; ATEPF-OTCQB] reported results of the phase 2 drilling program at its Pampa Paciencia gold-silver project located in northern Chile. Astra owns 80% of Pampa Paciencia in a joint venture Sociedad Quimica y Minera [SQM-NYSE].
Drilling highlights include hole PPRC-22-45 that intersected 4.5 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) over nine metres, including 12.7 g/t AuEq over three metres. PPRC-22-49 intersected 3.17 g/t AuEq over three metres, including 8.2 g/t AuEq over one metre.
“Drilling at Pampa Paciencia continues to produce evidence of a large, mineralized epithermal system concealed by shallow gravel cover,” stated Brian Miller, president and CEO of Astra. “With limited drilling we have discovered three shoots of high-grade mineralization over significant widths and have defined over two kilometres of vein strike length, all within an area which represents less than 10% of the total project. Our team’s targeting methods have been highly successful at discovering new veins concealed by the shallow cover and data indicates the potential for the district to contain several additional kilometres of concealed veins — all which would have the potential to host additional shoots of mineralization.”
The phase 2 drill program consisted of 3,976 metres of RC drilling in 15 holes, all placed in the North zone target with the focus of testing the Paciencia vein system continuity and some magnetic targets.
The drill program defined the extension of the two previously discovered mineralized shoots and discovered a third shoot of mineralization at depth in the Paciencia Oeste vein segment with nine metres averaging 4.5 g/t AuEq, including a high-grade zone with a three-metre interval of 12.7 g/t AuEq in hole PPRC-22-45. True widths are estimated to be 75% to 80% of the interval lengths in PPRC-22-45.
Three mineralized shoots have been discovered to date. The Paciencia/Paciencia Este shoot is currently the largest, at approximately 400 metres along strike and approximately 170 metres vertical extension. The second shoot is defined in the Paciencia Oeste vein, with a defined 200 metres of strike (open to the east) and 130 metres vertical extension. A third shoot, discovered in this Phase II program, remains open in all directions with mineralization starting at a depth of 200 metres below surface. Estimated true width of each shoot is 10-15 metres.
Drill results from the Paciencia vein system are thought to be analogous with the Faride LSE mine, located 8 km south of the Paciencia vein system, and in proximity with the Cerro Dominador regional fault.
To date, Astra’s drilling has focused on a small area of the project and has demonstrated that linear magnetic low features, particularly those oriented NW-SE to E-W have a high correlation with concealed vein structures. There is minimal vein outcrop in the project area, however there is widespread epithermal mineralization in surface float samples across the entire project. Company geologists continue to refine additional drill targets by integrating in-house detailed geology with the application of various geophysical techniques.
Pampa Paciencia is a 3,840-hectare road-access low-sulphidation epithermal (LSE) gold-silver project located within an active mining district less than 15 km from two major mines (Sierra Gorda and Spence) and 5 km from the Faride LSE mine.
Astra has completed property wide mapping and sampling, geophysical surveys, and localized trenching and in doing so, has defined a vein boulder field over approximately 75% of the project area.