Aurion Resources drills 3.63 g/t gold over 3.20 metres at Risti, Finland

Aurion Resources Ltd. [TSXV-AU; OTCQX-AIRRF] reported results from the scout drilling and base of till sampling programs at its wholly owned Risti property located in the Central Lapland greenstone belt in northern Finland.
Summary: Kaares Area – Gold intersected along the E-W structural trend 1.8 km W and 800 metres E of the Vanha prospect; 3.63 g/t Au over 3.20 m from 41.30 m (KS23068), 1.8 km east of the Vanha prospect; 2.17 g/t Au over 1.60 m from 148.35 m (KS23030), 800 m west of the Vanha prospect.
Further evidence of gold mineralization along the mainly unexplored structural trend interpreted to extend over 15 km within the Risti property and further into the Aurion-B2Gold JV area which hosts the recent Vuoma discovery;
Kaares Area – Gold intersected along NW trending structures (splays from the E-W structural trend); 4.67 g/t Au over 1.75 m from 103.15 m (KS23057), 1.2 km north of the Vanha prospect; 1.92 g/t Au over 1.40 m from 96.90 m (KS23046), 650 m northwest of the Vanha prospect.
Risti Northwest – Gold mineralization and favorable host rocks intersected 1 km SE of the Ikkari Discovery (Rupert Resources) and 13 km from Kaares; 1.09 g/t Au over 2.00 m from 213.85 m (HE23010).
Gold mineralization hosted by deformed and altered mafic-ultramafic and sedimentary rocks.
Risti North – New deformation zone and favorable host rocks with elevated gold 9 km from Kaares. Hole HE23011 intersected intervals of deformed and altered mafic-ultramafic rocks with elevated gold.
Numerous gold and pathfinder anomalies from base of till sampling program 20+ geochemical and/or geophysical targets to be tested.
“Aurion’s exploration program in till covered areas, now in its third year, is demonstrating the significant discovery potential at Risti, yielding the rapidly growing Kaares discovery and multiple new gold intersections over a broad expanse,” commented Matti Talikka, CEO. “Following the discovery, under cover, of the 4+ Moz Ikkari deposit by Rupert Resources, Aurion commenced exploration on the covered areas of Risti. This program has now graduated from base of till sampling and geophysical surveys to drill testing. We believe that shareholder value is best achieved by new discoveries and look forward to delivering more results from this ongoing program.”
Scout Drill Program: 36 scout holes, totaling 4,781.60 m, were drilled at several targets within the wholly owned (182 km2) Risti property. The targets were drilled to test anomalies identified from geochemical and geophysical surveys.
Gold and favourable host rocks were encountered in all target areas with 19 out of 36 scout holes intersecting precious or base metal mineralization. Copper and PGE mineralization was encountered at two target areas in the southern part of the Risti property.
Kaares Area – Scout drilling targeted: Extensions of the east-west structural trend hosting the Vanha prospect; northwest trending structures, representing potential splays from the east-west structural trend; selected geochemical and geophysical anomalies.
Gold mineralization was intersected approximately 1.8 km west and 800 m east of the Vanha prospect extending the strike length of the prospective E-W trend to 2.6 km (previously 1.1 km); 3.63 g/t Au over 3.20 m from 41.30 m (KS23068) and 3.48 g/t Au over 1.70 m from 91.00 m (KS23049), 1.8 km west of the Vanha prospect; 2.17 g/t Au over 1.60 m from 148.35 m (KS23030), 800 m east of the Vanha prospect.
Further evidence of gold mineralization along the mainly unexplored structural trend interpreted to extend over 15 km within the Risti property and further into the Aurion-B2Gold JV area which hosts the recent Vuoma discovery.
Gold mineralization was also encountered along the NW trending structures to the north and northwest of the Vanha prospect; 4.67 g/t Au over 1.75 m from 103.15 m (KS23057), 1.2 km north of the Vanha prospect; 1.92 g/t Au over 1.40 m from 96.90 m (KS23046), 650 m northwest of the Vanha prospect; 0.57 g/t Au over 2.10 m from 69.00 m, 0.60 g/t Au over 8.00 m from 80.00 m including 2.93 g/t Au over 1.00 m from 81.00 m (KS23045), 550 m northwest of the Vanha prospect; and 5.02 g/t Au over 1.05 m from 211.60 m (KS23054), 1.8 km northwest of the Vanha prospect.
An individual hole testing a copper in till anomaly, 700 m southwest of the Vanha prospect, returned 4.20% Cu and 0.27 g/t Au over 0.85 m from 109.15 m (KS23048).
Risti North Area: Four holes were drilled in the northern part of the Risti property with an aim to test the potential continuation into the Risti property of the prospective trend that hosts the Helmi (Aurion-B2Gold JV) and Ikkari (Rupert Resources) discoveries.
These results indicate that the favourable structural trend and lithologies that host the recent significant discoveries (Helmi and Ikkari) may extend to the northern part of the Risti property.
Risti Southwest Area: Five scout holes were drilled in the southwestern part of the Risti property testing selected geochemical and geophysical targets. No significant gold mineralization was encountered. HE23006 intersected mafic intrusive rocks which returned 0.74 g/t Pd+Pt over 4.30 m from 35.70 m. Several target areas remain untested in the southwest part of the Risti property.
A total of 713 till samples have been collected in 2023 within the Risti property. Till sampling has returned a number of gold and pathfinder anomalies that warrant follow up activities. Many of the geochemical anomalies coincide with structural features interpreted from the geophysical data sets. The majority of the anomalies remain untested with 20+ targets identified for follow up testing.