Blue Star drills 20.8 g/t gold over 8.15 metres at Ulu project, Nunavut

Blue Star Gold Corp. [BAU-TSXV; BAUFF-OTC; 5WP0-FSE] reported all final outstanding results, including surface samples, resampled historical drill core and drilling results from the 2021 exploration program at its 100%-owned Ulu project located in the High Lake greenstone belt, Nunavut, northern Canada.
Highlights of the 2021 Drill Program include Shallow Flood Zone hole 21BSG025 that returned an interval of 4.65 metres of 5.80 g/t gold. Additional sampling of historic hole 04UL-02 revised interval to 26.35 metres of 3.36 g/t gold by sampling between previously modelled higher grade and lower grade mineralized lenses.
North Fold Nose (NFN) east limb hole 21BSG017 returned 2.05 metres of 10.10 g/t gold (including 1.13 m of 11.35 g/t gold). Gnu Zone hole 21BSG020, a follow up hole to 21BSG007, returned 5.34 metres of 3.72 g/t gold (including 0.83 m of 12.95 g/t gold).
Regional sampling highlights include a 12.60 g/t gold grab sample from Roma Fold. Previously reported highlights include hole 21BSG007 that intersected 8.15 metres of 20.80 g/t gold in a new vein system in the Gnu area. Hole 21BSG001 returned 4.91 metres of 19.10 g/t gold and 7.00 metres of 6.90 g/t gold in Flood Zone lenses. 21BSG002 returned 2.64 metres of 13.00 g/t gold in the Flood Zone; expanded high grade core. Hole 21BSG006 returned 2.18 metres of 11.06 g/t gold following up on drill hole BS2020ULU-007 that returned 2.00 metres of 52.7 g/t gold from the Gnu zone.
Grant Ewin, CEO, commented, “Blue Star has numerous very prospective target zones throughout its extensive landholdings that have seen only limited modern-day exploration as most of the focus historically has been on delineating our high-grade Flood Zone gold deposit. The addition of the Roma project in 2021 and the discovery of a new vein system at the Gnu Zone, which represents a different style of gold mineralization from that of the Flood Zone deposit, adds to our potential for further new discoveries and resource growth. The 2021 exploration program successfully delivered several gold intersections in different zones on our projects and upgraded and expanded Blue Star’s extensive target pipeline.”
Ewing continued: “With the final release of the 2021 program assay data, we now have a better understanding of the geochemical and structural controls on our projects. We continue to unravel the structural architecture and develop improved targeting techniques, and the team is excited to test these concepts in our upcoming 2022 exploration program.”
Blue Star initiated its 2021 exploration program in June with a geophysics campaign, followed by a drill campaign and a surface exploration program and successfully completed all phases of the program in September. The exploration campaign evaluated several high priority targets near the known high-grade Flood Zone gold deposit on the Ulu Project. Objectives of the 2021 program included better understanding the controls of higher-grade zones within the hosting structures, evaluating additional structures on and adjacent to the Ulu fold hinge, and defining additional targets for potential near-term discovery.
Initial proposals and planning are underway for the 2022 exploration program. Currently this is envisioned as a balanced program that targets adding ounces around recent successes: Gnu Zone (20.8 g/t gold over 8.15 m), Central “C” (5.21 g/t gold over 3.00 m), Axis (2.53 g/t gold over 3.00 m), and NFN (10.1 g/t gold over 2.05 m); drill testing of high priority targets from the 2021 program that did not get tested; i.e. Zebra and Contact Zones where historic drilling returned 12.3 g/t gold over 1.62 metres and 20.69 g/t gold over 1.16 metres, respectively; rapidly evaluating the regional land package for targets that can immediately impact the program, these include targets such as Twilight and Roma Main; moving targets along our heavily weighted early-stage target pipeline to the drill testing stage; and further investigation and reassessment of unsampled historic core.
The program is expected to include regional geophysical and geochemical surveys and select mapping and prospecting over areas that have been identified as highly prospective for new discovery.