Bold Ventures posts assays up to 68 g/t gold at newly discovered 111 Zone at Burchell Gold and Copper Project, Ontario

Bold Ventures Inc. [TSXV: BOL] reported that it has received additional grab sample results ranging from 10 ppb Au up to 68,000 ppb Au (68 g/t or 2.2 oz/ton gold at the newly identified 111 Zone at its Burchell Gold and Copper property, Thunder Bay area, northwest Ontario. The samples were collected during a short follow up sampling program in December 2024, in the vicinity of previous samples taken in November 2024.
The November samples returned values ranging from < 15 ppb Au up to 56,900 ppb Au (56.9 g/t). The 68 g/t Au sample was obtained approximately 3 metres north of the 56.9 g/t Au sample.
The eight new samples collected at the 111 Zone in December consist of strongly sheared, strongly silicified, sericitized, tuffaceous mafic to intermediate volcanics, containing generally minor but up to 5% disseminated pyrite, and several fine specks of visible gold in the case of the sample which returned 68 g/t Au. The east-northeast-trending zone has limited exposure and appears to be at least 3 meters wide in outcrop, situated within a broad (>100 m wide) alteration zone that coincides with a prominent magnetic low. The zone of anomalous gold remains open in all directions.
Except for limited prospecting and sampling along strike during previous work by the company, the 111 Zone has seen no known historical exploration work. During the upcoming 2025 field season, the Company intends to carry out backhoe stripping as well as mapping and sampling to ascertain the width of the zone. This work will be combined with additional prospecting and soil sampling along the 111 Zone and its strike extension to the southwest and northeast.
Bold Ventures management believes our suite of Battery, Critical and Precious Metals exploration projects are an ideal combination of exploration potential meeting future demand.
Their target commodities are comprised of: Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd) and Chromium (Cr).
The company explores for Precious, Battery and Critical Metals in Canada. Bold is exploring properties located in active gold and battery metals camps in the Thunder Bay and Wawa regions of Ontario. Bold also holds significant assets located within and around the emerging multi-metals district dubbed the Ring of Fire region, located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario.