Brixton Metals samples up to 33% copper, 39 g/t gold at Thorn, British Columbia

Brixton Metals Corp. [TSXV-BBB; OTCQWB-BBBXF] reported new assay results from surface rock samples collected in 2023 on the South target, East target and Metla target, as well as additional regional targets across the Thorn project. Brixton has 14 recognized copper-gold-silver targets at the wholly owned Thorn project, in northwestern British Columbia, Canada.
The 2023 exploration season at the Thorn project has concluded with a total of 16,730.92 metres drilled this year. Drill results and geochemical assay results will be released as they are received.
Geochemical highlights: Twelve rock grab samples yielded greater than 1% copper (Cu) and three rock grab samples assayed greater than one g/t gold (Au) at the East target. Sample D132610 assayed 33.3% Cu, seven g/t Au and 238 g/t silver (Ag). Sample D132601 assayed 20.8% Cu, 0.9 g/t Au and 149 g/t Ag.
Fourteen rock grab samples yielded greater than one g/t gold, with seven samples yielding greater than five g/t gold at the South target. Four rock grab samples assayed greater than 10 g/t Au. Sample D200985 assayed 39 g/t Au and 65.9 g/t Ag. Sample D200991 assayed 19.7 g/t Au, 142 g/t Ag and 0.1% Cu. Sample D200986 assayed 14.6 g/t Au, 120 g/t Ag and 0.1% Cu. Sample D200994 assayed 5.4 g/t Au, 373 g/t Ag and 0.5% Cu;. Sample D200927 assayed 3.5% Cu and 15.6 g/t Ag.
Nine rock grab samples yielded greater than 1 per cent copper and three rock grab samples assayed greater than one g/t gold at the Metla target. Sample D200565 assayed 3% Cu, 0.6 g/t Au and 75.9 g/t Ag. Sample D200564 assayed 2.6% Cu and 104 g/t Ag. Samples D200882 and D200891 assayed 4.2 g/t Au and 23 g/t Ag, and 3.5 g/t Au and 33.8 g/t Ag, respectively.
Seven rock grab samples yielded greater than 1 per cent copper and two rock grab samples assayed greater than one g/t gold at the Plum target. Sample D201553 assayed 13% Cu, 0.9 g/t Au and 30.3 g/t Ag. Sample D200635 assayed 9.9 g/t Au and 0.4% Cu.
Seven rock grab samples yielded greater than 1% copper at the South Trapper target.
Gary Thompson, chairman and CEO, stated: “It’s great to see the volume of high-grade copper, gold and silver assay values coming from new target areas this season, and it demonstrates the importance of having boots on the ground. We are looking forward to drill testing some of these exciting new targets in 2024 on the massive Thorn project.”
The 2023 exploration season at the Thorn project concluded on Oct. 18, 2023, and a total of 1,269 rocks, 1,636 soils and 62 talus fine samples were collected. Surface geochemical sampling was conducted across multiple target zones, including the Metla, Plum, Trapper, North, East, West and South targets, as well as additional regional target areas across the project. Regional fieldwork was focused on advancing early stage exploration targets, such as the Metla target, North target and Bing zone (which is part of the East target), with the goal of generating drill-ready targets for the 2024 field season. Additional reconnaissance geochemical sampling has also been completed on multiple regional exploration target areas across the 2,880 km2 contiguous claim block to test new areas for potential porphyry and epithermal-style mineralization.
Fieldwork at Metla in 2023 focused on expanding upon 2022 results through geological mapping and geochemical sampling, with the goal of generating drill-ready targets for the 2024 exploration program. A total of nine rock grab samples assayed greater than 1 per cent copper and three samples assayed greater than one g/t gold, including 3% Cu, 0.6 g/t Au and 75.9 g/t Ag from rock grab sample D200565, and 4.2 g/t Au and 23 g/t Ag from sample D200882.
The Plum target is an early stage, porphyry-epithermal target located 30 km southeast of Thorn camp and borders Brixton’s Metla target to the west, as well as the historic Golden Bear mine claims to the south
The Trapper gold target is an intermediate sulphidation epithermal target and has been one of the main focus areas for drilling since 2021. The majority of 2023 fieldwork at Trapper has focused on sampling areas outside of the main drilling zone to assist future drill targeting, as well as test nearby areas for a potential porphyry-related source to the Trapper mineralization.
While the focus for 2023 has been on high-priority target definition, additional fieldwork has been conducted across multiple target zones, including the South, Central, North, Moly Valley, Plum, Icy and Val targets, as well new target areas that have seen limited or no previous exploration work on the Thorn project.
The wholly owned 2,880 km2 Thorn project is approximately 90 km east of Juneau, Alaska. The southern limit of the Thorn claim boundary is roughly 50 km from tidewater.