Brunswick Exploration drills 3.28% Li2O over 10.6 metres at Mirage, Quebec

Brunswick Exploration Inc. [TSXV-BRW; OTCQB-BRWXF] reported new assays from an additional 13 drill holes completed at the Mirage project, located in the Eeyou Istchee/James Bay region of northern Quebec. Drilling has continued to intersect significant intervals of high-grade (>2.0% Li2O) spodumene mineralization in the South Zone, all within dyke MR-4, showing excellent continuity of width and high-grade lithium values.
Highlights: Highest grade intercept reported to date at Mirage with 3.28% Li2O over 10.6 metres in drill hole MR-23-26 at a vertical depth of 50 metres.
Shallow intercept of 2.92% Li2O over 14.0 metres in drill hole MR-23-19 at a vertical depth of 46 metres; 2.88% Li2O over 13.4 metres in drill hole MR-23-16 at a vertical depth of 86 metres.
High-grade (>2.0% Li2O) mineralization has now been reported in 9 holes in MR-4 along the entire strike length drilled to date. MR-4 has been traced by drilling over a strike length of 600 metres and remains open to the northeast and at depth.
Assays are pending for a further 10 drill holes (MR-23-27 to MR-23-36) completed during the fall 2023 program.
Killian Charles, President and CEO, commented: “The contiguous high-grade mineralization reported today at MR-4 is impressive. We have now traced the MR-4 pegmatite over a minimum length of 600 meters with all eleven holes returning significant lithium grades. Furthermore, two of the four pegmatites drilled and announced to date at Mirage exhibit high-grade mineralization with very coarse, pale grey, strongly fluorescent spodumene crystals that suggests potential for high-quality concentrates. I am very eager to begin our winter 2024 exploration campaign that will be designed to expand upon many of these significant intercepts while drill testing for new blind targets across this exciting property.”
South Zone Drilling: Nine of the 10 holes drilled on the MR-4 dyke intersected high-grade (>2.0% Li2O) spodumene bearing pegmatite with excellent continuity and widths. The true thickness is estimated at 95% of the core length. MR-4 has now been drilled from surface to a shallow depth above 100 meters vertical and over a strike length of more than 600 metres.
The dyke follows a stratigraphic contact between metasediments and metabasalts dipping southeast at a moderate angle of 45 degrees. The dyke’s surface projection is characterized by a narrow topographic depression and outcrops along a portion of its strike extent. Drill holes MR-23-21 and MR-23-22 (no pegmatite intersection in latter), both collared at the SW extremity of the current program, did not intersect a dyke at the contact potentially suggesting a pinch-out of the MR-4 dyke in this area. However, the presence of a thin, mineralized dyke in the metabasalt indicates that the South Zone remains open to the SW. MR-4 remains open to the NE and at depth.
Two drill holes (MR-23-23 and -24), located 350 metres south from the initial pegmatite outcrop discovery for MR-4, tested the down-dip projection near the SW end but did not reach the stratigraphic contacts. Both holes were stopped short of their target near the end of the fall drilling season to allow for completion of the program and will be extended during the winter 2024 drilling campaign.
Clarification to previously announced 1Minerals Corp. option agreement: Under the terms of the Option Agreement with 1Mineral dated September 29, 2023 and previously announced in press releases dated October 6, 2023, BRW may elect to make share payments totaling $3,000,000 based upon the 15-day Volume Weighted Average Share Price preceding the date of each payment and subject to a Minimum Share Price of $0.66.
North Shore Lithium Project Update: In September 2023, BRW has informed Kintavar Exploration Inc. [TSXV-KTR] of its intention not to exercise its option to acquire 100% of the Baie-Johan-Beetz property from Kintavar previously announced in a press release dated April 19, 2022 and to discontinue exploration and evaluation activities on this property.
Brunswick Exploration is a Montreal-based mineral exploration company focused on grassroots exploration for lithium in Canada.