C3 Metals drills 0.60% CuEq over 280 metres at at Bellas Gate, Jamaica

C3 Metals Inc. [CCCM-TSXV; CUAUF-OTCQB; has received assays for the final 130.7 metres of drill hole PVT0900-002. Assays for the first 350.0 metres were reported September 12, 2023.
Drill hole PVT0900-002 intersected 390.7 metres at 0.37% copper and 0.19 g/t gold (0.50% CuEq) from 64.1 metres, including 279.5 metres at 0.43% copper and 0.24 g/t gold (0.60% CuEq). This is the broadest interval of copper-gold mineralization reported to date at the Company’s 100%-owned Bellas Gate project in Jamaica.
Ongoing drilling will continue evaluating a cluster of discrete high priority porphyry copper-gold targets. C3 Metals is drill testing both the strike and depth potential of these porphyry targets with two goals: adding potential near-surface mineralized material tonnage and locating the bornite-rich potassic altered higher-grade core found in most economic porphyry systems. These targets are defined by coincident alteration, geochemistry and geophysics anomalies along the two parallel Camel and Connors porphyry belts at the Bellas Gate project. Approximately 2,500 metres of a fully funded 8,500-metre drill program has been completed to date.
Dan Symons, President and CEO, stated, “Over the last 10 months we have systematically mapped approximately 12,000 hectares of our 20,700-hectare mineral concession package in Jamaica in order to develop a comprehensive model and 3D understanding of the geology at Bellas Gate. The fact that we have intersected the broadest interval of copper-gold mineralization ever in the history of the project in only the second hole of the ongoing drill program speaks to the quality of work performed by our geology team.
“We will continue to evaluate both the strike and depth extent of the multiple porphyry clusters discovered along the Camel and Connors belts, which we suspect may converge at depth into a larger hydrothermal system. We expect to have a steady flow of assay results to report from the ongoing 8,500-metre drill program into 2024. Continued positive results will see us move to extending the program. With copper sulphide mineralization visually present in the first six holes of the program, we believe we are at the beginning of a significant copper-gold discovery in Jamaica.”
Drilling at the Provost porphyry target confirms a telescoped, almost fully intact, and non-eroded porphyry copper-gold system. This system is interpreted to be spatially associated with a larger porphyry system at depth, as illustrated in cross section. Mineralization comprises chalcopyrite and pyrite in strongly phyllic to potassic altered diorite and andesite volcaniclastics.
Recent and historical drilling at Provost confirms porphyry and epithermal copper-gold mineralization is open in most directions. C3 Metals owns a man-portable drill rig that is currently stepping out along strike and at depth at Provost. Based on surface geologic mapping, historical and recent drilling results, the Provost porphyry target currently measures 1,500 metres in length, averages 350 metres in width, and has a confirmed depth extent of at least 400 metres. Planned drilling at Provost is designed to systematically test along strike of this coincident geology, geophysics and geochemical anomaly.
The larger capacity contract drill rig is currently drilling approximately 3.5km southeast of Provost at the Camel Hill porphyry target. The Camel Hill porphyry target currently measures 1,800 metres in length and 1,000 metres in width and is defined by a coincident geology, geophysics and geochemical anomaly.
C3 Metals is exploring in Jamaica where it has identified 16 porphyry and 40 epithermal prospects over a 30-km strike extent across its 20,700-hectare exploration license package.