Cabral Gold drills 18.1 metres of 4.3 g/t gold at Cuiu Cuiu, Brazil

Cabral Gold Inc. [CBR-TSXV; CBGZF-OTC] reported additional assays from nine recently completed diamond drill holes in the primary bedrock MG gold deposit, and within the recently identified gold-in-oxide blanket within the 100%-owned Cuiu Cuiu gold district in northern Brazil.
DDH228, drilled at MG, returned 9.1 metres at 1.1 g/t gold from 187.9 metres depth and 14 metres at 1.9 g/t gold from 208.6 metres depth including 2.5 metres at 7.5 g/t gold. This intercept is the down-dip continuation of the zone intersected in hole DDH215, which returned 17.6 metres at 4.1 g/t gold including 1.3 metres at 29.5 g/t gold.
DDH229, drilled on the same section as DDH228, returned 10.5 metres at 2.4 g/t gold from 258. 5 metres depth including 2.0 metres at 4.7 g/t gold and 2.6 metres at 2.8 g/t gold, including 0.9 metres at 7.1 g/t gold and 8.8 metres at 0.5 g/t gold. The mineralized zone remains open at depth.
Both DDH228 and DDH229 also intersected the recently identified mineralized zone that sits in the footwall of the main MG deposit and was intersected in DDH215, which returned 18.1 metres at 4.3 g/t gold. Both mineralized zones remain open at depth.
DDH226 and DDH227 both intersected significant thicknesses of mineralization within the overlying gold-in-oxide blanket indicating that the blanket remains open to the northeast.
Alan Carter, president and CEO, commented: “The drill results that we are reporting today from the diamond drilling at MG further extend the main mineralized zone at depth and confirm the presence of a significant mineralized zone within the footwall to the primary MG gold deposit. Both zones remain open at depth. The downdip continuation of a significant mineralized zone in the footwall to the MG deposit is very encouraging. Elsewhere at MG, the recent diamond drilling is corroborating the recent RC drill results and suggesting that the gold-in-oxide blanket at MG, which overlies the primary MG gold deposit, will continue to grow.”
Results were also returned on 30 shallow reconnaissance holes at the Miraboa target, which is located 2.8 km south of the Central gold deposit and is the site of extensive and as-yet-unexplained historic placer gold workings.
Two of the reconnaissance RC holes intersected low-grade but significant gold values near surface, including RC182, which returned 17 metres at 0.35 g/t gold from surface, and RC128, which intersected eight m at 0.2 g/t gold. The presence of gold in these two holes may indicate the presence of a near-surface gold-in-oxide blanket similar to those identified at the PDM target and above the MG gold deposit, but the bulk of the placer gold extracted from the east-west-trending drainage at Miraboa remains unexplained. Further drilling will be required.
Following the recent commencement of follow-up diamond drilling at the primary Central gold deposit, which is aimed at further defining the high-grade zones at Central, RC drilling has also commenced aimed at testing for the presence of gold-in-oxide blanket mineralization above the primary Central gold deposit. A program of approximately 43 diamond drill holes and 26 RC holes is planned.
Diamond drilling continues at the PDM target 2.5 km northwest of the Central gold deposit and is aimed at testing for the presence of a primary gold deposit in the basement intrusive rock underlying the gold-in-oxide blanket. Results are pending on five diamond drill holes.
Results are pending on five diamond drill holes located 3 km southeast of the MG gold deposit. Twenty-three samples of this boulder float material previously returned gold values of 11.6 to 200.3 g/t gold.
Two gold deposits have so far been defined at Cuiu Cuiu and contain NI 43-101-compliant Indicated Resources of 5.9 million tonnes at 0.90 g/t (200,000 oz) and Inferred Resources of 19.5 million tonnes at 1.24 g/t (800,000 oz).