Cartier Mining reports drill results from Globex’s Nordeau Royalty claims, Quebec

Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. [TSX-GMX; OTCQX-GLBXF] reported that Cartier Resources Inc. [TSXV-ECR; FSE-6CA] has provided an update on the progress of it’s 2024 drill program on its Chimo Mine Project, part of which was drilled on Globex’s Nordeau West and Nordeau East royalty claims in Vauquelin Township, Quebec, east of the town of Louvicourt.
A total of 48 holes totalling 9,347 metres have been completed with 2,307 samples taken for assay of which 66% have been received to date, much of which were on Globex royalty claims. An additional 115 holes totalling 16,000 m is expected to be drilled to test an additional 6.0 km of favorable strike length, some of which will be on Globex’s royalty claims.
New Reported drill results by Cartier include 7,7 g/t Au sur 2,0 m including 13.5 g/t Au over 1.0 m; 13.2 g/t Au over 2.3 m including 46.1 g/t Au over 0,5 m; 7.5 g/t Au over 2,0 m including 20,6 g/t Au over 0,5 m in the West Nordeau Zone. The East Nordeau Zone returned 11.0 g/t Au over 2.8 m, including 17.9 g/t Au over 1.0 m.
Globex retains a 3% Gross Metal Royalty on the Nordeau claims.