Copper Road drills 0.32% copper over 100.39 metres at Copper Road Project, Ontario

Copper Road Resources Inc. [CRD-TSXV] reported results of the spring/summer diamond drilling campaign at the Tribag mine zone located on its 21,000-hectare Copper Road project, approximately 80 km north-west of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.
The company completed 3,000 metres of diamond drilling at the Breton and East breccias located within the Tribag Mine Zone. All eight holes drilled at the Breton and East breccias intersected significant intervals of near-surface mineralization that proved continuity, depth and additional mineralization outside of historical assay models.
Notable intersections at Breton Breccia included Hole #TR22-006 that returned 100.39 metres at 0.32% copper and 2.99 g/t silver (0.35% CuEq – copper equivalent) from 18 metres to 118.39 metres, including 30 metre at 0.58% copper and 4.39 g/t silver (0.62% CuEq) from 46 metres to 76 metres, including 7 metres at 1.02% copper and 8.39 g/t silver (1.09% CuEq) from 49 metres to 56 metres, including 5 metres at 1.11% copper and 4.69 g/t silver (1.15% CuEq) from 71 metres to 76 metres and 18.43 metres at 0.29% copper and 0.90 g/t silver (0.30% CuEq) from 145.57 metres to 164 metres.
Hole #TR22-003 returned 60 metres at 0.29% copper and 3.19 g/t silver (0.32% CuEq) from 16 metres to 76 metres; 3 metres at 1.08% copper and 2.06 g/t silver (1.10% CuEq) from 302 metres to 305 metres.
At East Breccia, Hole TR22-008 returned 48.60m at 0.27% Cu, 4.84 g/t Ag, 0.01% Mo, 0.25 g/t Re (0.37% CuEq) from 34m to 82.60m, including: 14.80m at 0.46% Cu, 9.97 g/t Ag, 0.01% Mo, 0.20 g/t Re (0.60% CuEq) from 45m to 59.80m; 9m at 0.60% Cu, 6.83 g/t Ag, 0.15% Mo, 0.56 g/t Re (1.47% CuEq) from 330m to 339m, including: 5.22m at 0.87% Cu, 9.38 g/t Ag, 0.26% Mo, 0.95 g/t Re (2.35% CuEq) from 333.78m to 339m.
Hole TR22-007 returned 66m at 0.22% Cu, 2.94 g/t Ag, 0.02% Mo, 0.36 g/t Re (0.36% CuEq) from 69m to 135 m, including: 11m at 0.31% Cu, 4.04 g/t Ag, 0.05% Mo, 0.87 g/t Re (0.63% CuEq.) from 102m to 113 m.
John Timmons, President/CEO and Director, commented, “Our goal with this drill program was to deliver near-surface copper mineralization only 20 km off the Trans-Canada highway. We believe our first drill program into our flagship property is just the start of reviving this historical mining district and clearly demonstrates that there is more copper to be mined. We believe that with systematic exploration across our 21,000-hectare project, the Copper Road project will continue to prove itself as a future source of domestic copper to contribute to the clean energy transition.”
The company is continuing its exploration program to search for the potential intrusive source or sources of the extensive copper mineralization covering the property. Target validation is being conducted by extensive lake and surface geochemical surveys in conjunction with geological mapping, review/modelling of historical diamond drilling data and ground truthing of historical geophysical targets. In the upcoming weeks, the company will announce future exploration/drilling plans for the Fall/Winter program.