Decade Resources stakes antimony claim, British Columbia

Decade Resources Ltd. [TSXV: DEC; OTC Pink: DECXF] reported that it staked 1,742 ha covering a major shear structure hosting antimony mineral (stibnite) in the Golden Triangle area of northwestern British Columbia. The property is located 40km NE of Stewart within the Bowser Basin sediments.
The mineralization was discovered by Edward Kruchkowski, president, in 2004 while working as a consultant for a junior company. The lack of appreciable precious metals in the shear resulted in the claim being dropped. With the recent interest in antimony properties, the Company acquired the project area to evaluate for antimony content.
According to the ARIS report on this shear: “A strong quartz-stibnite vein system up to 5 metres wide shear zone has been traced on the ground over a strike length of 300 meters based on aerial view extending beyond the 300 meters that was sampled.
The zone consists of individual 2-5 metre wide brecciated zones with quartz filling the voids between clasts. Locally the zone will be entirely quartz filled. Numerous splays to the shear zone extend the overall width of the zone up to 15 meters in several places. In these locations, veins up to 4-5 meters wide, separated by weakly brecciated argillite form the east and west walls to the zones. Locally massive stibnite and arsenopyrite form pockets and stringers of mineralization that is up to 15-20 cm wide within the breccias. Pyrite is common in the brecciated argillite but is not common in the quartz.”
Out of eight grab samples taken in 2004 in the vicinity of the shears, six analyzed over limits for antimony and arsenic (all samples of heavily mineralized shear). Silver values ranged from 12.1 to a high of 65 g/t.
Antimony which is considered a critical mineral by the Government of Canada, is a mineral primarily used as a flame retardant and alloying agent in lead-acid batteries, ammunition, and semiconductors. It also has strategic applications in defense and energy storage technologies, making it a high-priority material for many governments. The global antimony market is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% from 2023 to 2030, driven by rising demand in renewable energy storage and military applications.
China which dominates global antimony production, accounting for over 70% of supply, banned exports of antimony to the United States, citing its dual military and civilian uses. further causing supply chain concerns.
Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the Golden Triangle area of northern British Columbia.