Delta Resources adds another 3,000 metres to current drill program at Delta-1, Ontario

Delta Resources Ltd. [TSXV-DLTA; OTC-DTARF; FSE-6GO1] announced that it will add up to 3,000 additional metres to its previously announced 5,000-metre drill campaign at the Delta-1 Project in Thunder Bay, northern Ontario.
Initial results from the first four drill holes and one drill hole extension were announced on March 1, 2024 including 15.94 g/t gold over 10 metres. The 2024 drill campaign is ongoing with final assay results still pending. This drilling program and Delta’s future exploration programs in 2024 are fully funded.
In 2023, Delta completed 60 drill holes for a total of 19,620 metres at the Delta-1 project. This brings the total drilling at the property to 86 drill holes or 26,288 metres, since Delta’s 2019 acquisition of the project. Other exploration work at the property in 2023 included a geological mapping, prospecting and sampling program that covered approximately 10 km2 as well as a 3D induced polarization geophysical survey and a high-resolution drone magnetic survey.
Delta would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Ontario Government via the Ontario Junior Exploration Program (OJEP). Delta will be receiving up to $200,000 upon completion of its exploration program at Delta-1.
Delta-1 is the Delta Resources flagship project, where the company is building gold ounces 50 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario, at surface and adjacent to the Trans-Canada highway. To date, the gold mineralization is defined over 1.8 km from surface to a vertical depth of 250 m. Highlights include drill intercepts such as 5.92 g/t gold over 31 metres (including 14.8 g/t Au over 11.9 m), and 1.79 g/t gold over 128.5 metres.
The property covers 107 km2 and Delta has identified a 5 km long corridor of intense alteration and deformation at the property, on strike with the gold zone, that has yet to be thoroughly explored.
The Delta-2 property covers 205 km2 in the prolific Chibougamau District of Quebec. The property holds excellent potential for gold-rich polymetallic VMS deposits as well as hydrothermal-gold deposits. Delta targets VMS deposits such as the LeMoine past producer where 0.76 Mt were mined between 1975 and 1983, grading 9.6% Zn, 4.2% Cu, 4.5 g/t Au and 84 g/t Ag.