DLP Resources drills 0.32% CuEq over 790.15 metres at Aurora, Peru

DLP Resources Inc. [DLP-TSXV; DLPRF-OTCQB] has received complete drill results for drill hole A23-009 on the 100%-optioned Aurora porphyry copper-molybdenum project in southern Peru.
Drill hole A23-009 was drilled approximately 868 metres SE of drill hole A23-007. A23-009 intersected significant copper mineralization throughout the hole to a depth of 709.55m where it ended in copper and molybdenum mineralization.
The most significant mineralized intervals included 0.32% CuEq over 790.15 metres (0.27% Cu, 0.0095% Mo and 2.39 g/t Ag) from 0.40 metres to 790.15m; 0.44% CuEq over 314.00 metres (0.37% Cu, 0.0144% Mo and 2.86 g/t Ag) from 303.00 metres to 617.00 metres; and 0.59% CuEq over 56.00 metres (0.52% Cu, 0.0144% Mo and 3.46 g/t Ag) from 561.00 metres to 617.00 metres.
Ian Gendall, president and CEO, commented: “A23-009 was drilled on a step out of 868m to the SE of A23-007. This is the first hole drilled by DLP on the SE side of the Aurora project. We are extremely encouraged with the intersection of copper mineralization in A23-009 on this SE side and we will continue to drill on this side during the next six months. A23-010 is currently in progress to a depth of 1,000 metres. The early mineralized porphyry intersections observed in A23-010 to a current depth of 800 metres are very encouraging. Results are expected in late August.”