DLP Resources drills 0.95% CuEq over 221.4 metres at Aurora, Peru

DLP Resources Inc. [DLP-TSXV; DLPRF-OTCQB] has received complete drill results for the fifth hole, A23-005 on the 100%-optioned Aurora porphyry copper-molybdenum project in southern Peru.
Results for the first four drill holes, A22-001, A22-002, A22-003 and A23-004 were released on December 05, 2022, January 05, 2023 and May 02, 2023.
Highlights: Drill hole A23-005 intersected significant molybdenum-copper mineralization throughout the hole to a depth of 693.4 metres where it ended in very good molybdenum mineralization. The most significant mineralized intervals included 0.64% CuEq (copper equivalent) over 693.40 metres (0.11% Cu, 0.144% Mo and 1.95 g/t Ag) from 0 metres to 693.4 metres; 0.66% CuEq over 58.00 metres (0.43% Cu, 0.054% Mo and 3.38 g/t Ag) from 130.00 metres to 188.00 metres; 0.95% CuEq over 221.40 metres (0.03% Cu, 0.259% Mo and 0.41 g/t Ag) from 472.00 metres to 693.40 metres.
Results from drill hole A23-005 which was drilled approximately 317m WSW of A22-003 continue to confirm Aurora is a robust porphyry copper-molybdenum system with mineralization extending from 2628 metres elevation at surface to an elevation of approximately 2,000 metres down hole. Once again, this drill hole ended in very good molybdenum mineralization.
Ian Gendall, President and CEO commented: “We’ve had another very encouraging copper-molybdenum intersection in drill hole A23-005. We have now stepped out 317m from A22-003 which was drilled on the eastern edge of the porphyry and we continue to expand the mineralized footprint to the west and at depth. Drilling is ongoing to the west of A23-005 and we have completed another two holes A23-006 and A23-007. Assay results are awaited for both holes.”
Hole A23-005, like A23-004 was drilled in an area of well exposed quartz-molybdenite veining at an angle of -70 degrees towards an azimuth of 140 degrees. The logged geology is summarized as follows: leached quartz-eye feldspar porphyry (QEFP) from 0 metres to 20 metres. Partially leached QEFP from 20 metres to 130 metres.
There is mixed limonitic zone of chalcopyrite and pyrite with secondary enrichment of covellite and chalcocite on fractures within the QEFP from 130 metres to 188 metres with quartz-sericite alteration.
Primary mineralization is chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite within an intermineral quartz-feldspar porphyry from 188 metres to 302 metres with quartz-sericite alteration.
Molybdenite in quartz veins (B-type) and weakly disseminated chalcopyrite mineralization occur within a quartz-sericite altered quartz-feldspar porphyry and quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry from 302 metres to 472 metres. Potassic altered quartz-feldspar porphyry and quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry with disseminated pyrite and weak chalcopyrite mineralization and well developed molybdenite quartz veinlets (B-type) occur from 472 metres to 693.4 metres. Strong potassic alteration is logged in this interval.
The Aurora Project is an advanced stage porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project in the Province of Calca, SE Peru. The Aurora Project was previously permitted for drilling in 2015 but was never executed. Thirteen historical drill holes, drilled in 2001 and 2005 totaling 3,900 metres were drilled over an area of approximately 1,000 metres by 800 metres, cut significant intervals of copper and molybdenum mineralization. From logging of the only three remaining holes DDA-01, DDA-3A and DDA-3 and data now available, it appears that only three of the 13 holes tested the enriched copper zone and only one hole drilled deep enough to test the primary copper and molybdenum zone.
Salient historic drill hole data of the Aurora Project are 190 metres of 0.57% Cu, 0.008% Mo in DDA-1 with a high-grade intercept of 20 metres of 1.01% Cu related to a supergene enrichment zone of secondary chalcocite; 142 metres of 0.5% Cu, 0.004% Mo in DDA-3; and 71.7 metres of 0.7% Cu, 0.007% Mo in DDA-3A.
One of the historical holes ABC-6 drilled on the edge of the system intersected 78 metres of 0.45% Cu and 0.107% Mo.
A review of the historical drilling indicates that the majority of the 13 holes were drilled in the leached and partially leached zones of the porphyry system. Ten of the 13 holes never fully tested the oxide and secondary enrichment zone and/or the primary copper zone at depth encountered in DDA-01. Copper-molybdenum mineralization is hosted by quartz-feldspar porphyries intruded into slates-hornfels and pelitic sandstones belonging to the Ordovician (439 – 463 ma) Sandia Formation.