DLP Resources samples 3.46% copper at Esperanza, Project, Peru

DLP Resources Inc. [TSXV-DLP; OTCQB-DLPRF] has received the second phase of rock sampling results from the Esperanza porphyry copper-molybdenum project immediately south of the Chapi mine in southern Peru.
Results for the additional 53 rock samples taken in the initial reconnaissance sampling and mapping of the northwestern part of the project have returned highly anomalous copper, molybdenum, cobalt and zinc in mapped intrusive stocks and polymictic breccias within the overlying volcanics.
Highlights: Fifteen of the 53 rock chip samples returned values between 0.3% copper and 3.46% copper. These samples were taken from outcropping quartz diorite and polymictic breccias with visible copper-oxides, iron oxides and tourmaline in fractures.
Rock chip samples with high copper grades included: Sample 1208 with 0.69% Cu, 130.50 parts per million (ppm) Mo, 7,930 ppm Zn and 42.30 ppm Co. Sample 1226 returned 1.84% Cu, 1.38 ppm Mo, 1,115 ppm Zn and 42.50 ppm Co. Sample 1227 returned 1.71% Cu, 5.56 ppm Mo, 2,490 ppm Zn and 176.50 ppm Co. Sample 1229 returned 3.46% Cu, 16.15 ppm Mo, 1,480 ppm Zn and 185 ppm Co. Sample 1231 returned 1.26% Cu, 2.43 ppm Mo, 1,050 ppm Zn and 39.60 ppm Co. Sample 1232 -returned 0.70% Cu, 3.75 ppm Mo, 487 ppm Zn and 22.50 ppm Co. Sample 1237 returned 1.54% Cu, 6.34 ppm Mo, 774 ppm Zn and 57.20 ppm Co. Sample 1240 returned 0.82% Cu, 4.10 ppm Mo, 410 ppm Zn and 17.10 ppm Co.
Ian Gendall, president and CEO, commented: “With two phases of rock sampling and mapping completed on the Esperanza project, an area of 3.5 km by 1.5 km has now been identified with anomalous copper and molybdenum in rock samples. These anomalous copper-molybdenum values coupled with other porphyry copper indicators are very encouraging for locating a mineralized system at depth in this porphyry copper belt immediately south of the Chapi copper mine.”
The Esperanza Cu-Mo project is an early-stage exploration project in southern Peru consisting of 4,600 hectares of claims which are 100% owned by DLP. Esperanza is located approximately 35 km southwest of the Cerro Verde mine in Arequipa and immediately south of the Chapi copper mine.
Copper-molybdenum mineralization was initially observed in an early reconnaissance program undertaken in 2022. Subsequently, DLP has completed a satellite alteration mapping program over the project and identified alteration consistent with porphyry copper-molybdenum systems. Follow-up of alteration and subsequent sampling and mapping commenced in early 2024.
DLP Resources is a mineral exploration company operating in southeastern British Columbia and Peru, exploring for base metals and cobalt.