Durango Resources intersects 93 metres of pegmatite at NMX East Lithium Project, Quebec

Durango Resources Inc. [TSXV-DGO; FSE-86A1; OTC-ATOXF] reported further to the news of October 23, 2023, the planned 800-metre inaugural drill program on the NMX East lithium property is complete.
Drilling was completed on one of the dykes on its wholly owned NMX East Property located in the Eeyou-Istchee James Bay region of Québec adjacent to the Whabouchi lithium deposit. The program was designed to test for LCT pegmatites and was concentrated to a small area to test the extent of pegmatite below surface in one suspected dyke to try to determine the size and composition below surface. Four drill holes were conducted on the initial test dyke totaling 810m of drilling and pegmatite was encountered in each of the holes.
Hole 1 was drilled to 207 metres drill depth and intersected pegmatite at drill depths of 34m-34.5m, and again at 84m-94m, 98m-117.5m, 139m-139.5m, and 143m-144m.
Hole 2 was drilled to a depth of 300 metres and intersected pegmatite at a depth of 216m-217m, and 227m-235m, 261m-283.5m, 293m-296.5m returned intermittent pegmatite with country rock.
A 1cm sized pale-green crystal of beryl, Be3Al2 (Si6O18), at a depth of 231 metres downhole from Hole #2 can be seen in the photo below. Beryl is a gemstone with several industrial applications and is a commercial source of beryllium.
Hole 3 encountered pegmatite beginning at 10m downhole and continued through to a downhole drill depth of 103m totaling 93m (305 feet) of consecutive pegmatite. At 106.5m to 150.5m (in the same hole) the pegmatite returned and was interbedded with country rock for a consecutive 44m (144 feet). The hole finished at a drill depth of 201 metres.Hole 4 intersected pegmatite at downhole depth of 7 metres from surface and continued to 26.5 metres for a consecutive 19.5m (~64 feet). The hole was stopped at 102 metres which marked the completion of the planned drill test program on the selected portion of one of the dykes running parallel to the Whabouchi deposit.
Marcy Kiesman, CEO, stated, “We are thrilled to have met our objectives of proving pegmatite exists on the property, and that it continues below surface with significant size. Given our proximity to the Whabouchi deposit and our previous grab sampling at surface assaying 320ppm lithium, we look forward to the results of our newly discovered 305 feet near surface intersection.”
Durango would like to thank Chibougamau Diamond Drilling and Innukopteres for providing us with a quick and professional drill program which allowed our exploration crew on site to conduct further geological mapping of the NMX East while drilling was underway.
Additional updates will be announced as soon as they become available on the exploration program.
Durango is also positioned for discovery with a 100% interest in a strategically located group of properties in the Windfall Lake and Troilus gold camps in the Abitibi region of Québec.