Emerita Resources drills 5.1 metres of 1.4% copper at Infanta, Spain

Emerita Resources Corp. [EMO-TSXV; EMOTF-OTC] has tendered for three additional diamond drills to be mobilized to the Iberia Belt West project (IBW) in Spain, bringing the total to five drills. The contracts are being finalized and it is expected rigs will arrive on site within two weeks.
David Gower, PGeo, CEO, “We are moving forward with an accelerated drill program at IBW to coincide with the end of the local hunting season on November 15. We will reactivate the geophysical survey and the step-out drilling along strike immediately following that date. The drills will initially set up on Infanta and targets in that area and we will move two of them to Romanera as soon as the permit is issued, which is in process and expected in the coming weeks.”
Results have been received for drill holes IN017, IN021 and IN023. These drill holes were step-outs to the north (testing down dip). Mineralization was encountered at shallower depths than expected due to the presence of a reverse fault that has displaced the mineralization up dip and closer to surface. Holes were extended until they also intercepted the mineralization at depth on the other side of the fault.
Drilling demonstrated mineralization continues to depth and has been displaced nearer surface along a reverse fault to the north. Mineralization in the North block has been intersected by three holes, IN017, IN21 and IN23, representing a continuous strike length of 300 metres. Those intercepts are between 70 and 100 metres deep.
These three holes show two intercepts: a first intercept corresponding to the North block and a second deeper intercept, which corresponds to the extension of the lens in the South block. At depth, the three holes have also intercepted the South block. The deepest extent of the South block mineralization is approximately 150 metres in this area of the deposit in hole IN021 which intersected 5.5 metres from 151.70 metres deep, grading 0.8% copper, 2.8% lead, 5.7% zinc, 0.28 /t gold and 62.5 g/t silver.
Hole IN023 is the westernmost hole (from 72.4 metres, 5.1 m at 1.4% Cu, 4.4% Pb, 8.6% Zn, 0.52 g/t Au, 124.1 g/t Ag. This is the North block). Mineralization continues to the west in both the South and North blocks, where a strong geophysical conductor has been identified by the TEM (transient electromagnetics) survey. This area also contains historical mine workings with two underground levels indicating the presence of mineralization.
Mineralization also continues east in the North and South blocks for approximately 400 metres where a small historical mining excavation is located.
The depth extent and lateral continuity of the North block mineralization block are currently being evaluated by holes IN024 (at depth), IN025 and IN027 (to the east). Due to restrictions related to hunting season, holes to the west will commence after Nov. 15. True widths are expected to be 90 to 95% of intersection width.
According to Joaquin Merino, PGeo, president: “We are excited to be ramping up the project with the addition of more diamond drills. We continue to work with government officials on the Romanera and El Cura drill permits and this is progressing, following the normal process for receiving the drill permits in areas with the land use designation in that area.”