Endurance Gold drilling Reliance property, BC

Diamond drilling is expected to start today at the Endurance Gold Corp. [EDG-TSXV; ENDGF-OTC] Reliance gold property in Southern British Columbia. The property is located 4 km east of the village of Gold Bridge with year-round road access and 10 km north of the historic Bralorne-Pioneer gold mining camp, which has produced over 4 million ounces of gold.
The fully financed diamond drilling program of 4,000 metres will commence at the Eagle Zone and follow up on other targets including: the interpreted southeastern extension of Eagle Zone through to the Upper Eagle target, expansion at the Imperial zone, delineating the Diplomat Zone discovered in May, 2020, and reconnaissance drilling on newly defined targets.
This is the first phase of diamond drilling initiated by the company on the property. The objective of the 2021 diamond drilling will be to provide core intersections of the Eagle Zone discovery and the Diplomat Zone discovery, expand the footprint of the Eagle, Diplomat and Imperial zones, as well as define the structural and any intrusive controls for gold mineralization. Diamond drilling will be completed using a skid-mounted Hydracore HC2000 drilling rig equipped with NQ-diameter coring tools. This program is expected to continue through November, 2021.
The company previously completed two phases of reverse circulation (RC) drilling in late 2020 and spring 2021 with the completion of 51 RC (reverse circulation) drill holes. Thirty-five of these 51 RC holes returned encouraging gold intersections exceeding 3.0 metres in width. Highlight RC drill intersections include near-surface intersections of 14.08 g/t gold over 15.24 metres, 10.5 g/t gold over 6.1 m, 9.7 g/t gold over 12.2 m, 4.88 g/t gold over 24.39 m, 5.57 g/t gold over 22.86 m and 4.04 g/t gold over 18.3 m at the Eagle Zone, 16.39 g/t gold over 4.6 m at the Diplomat Zone, and 7.23 g/t gold over 4.6 m at the Imperial zone. Complete results from these programs are summarized on the company’s website.
The last program of diamond drilling completed on the property was in 2008 at the Imperial zone, and this program returned highlight diamond drill intersections of 13.30 g/t gold over 4.20 metres, 7.05 g/t gold over 5.06 m, 5.70 g/t gold over 12.05 m and 5.43 g/t gold over 15.35 in four drill holes of an eight-hole 2008 drilling campaign.