Endurance Gold samples 4.7 metres of 9.19 g/t gold at Reliance, British Columbia

Endurance Gold Corp. [EDG-TSXV; ENDGF-OTC] reports that new prospects have been confirmed as gold-bearing with channel sampling along the Treasure shear, and five diamond drill holes have now been completed at the Eagle zone at the 100%-optioned Reliance gold property in southern British Columbia.
The property is located 4 km) east of the village of Gold Bridge with year-round road access, and 10 km north of the historic Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mining Camp which has produced over 4 million ounces of gold.
Channel sample collected earlier this summer at shear zone outcrops exposed along the Treasure Shear trend have returned encouraging intervals of gold at the Grey Rock Prospect and the Bona Prospect.
Channel sampling at the Grey Rock prospect returned 9.19 g/t gold over 4.7 metres which includes a sample of 24.20 g/t gold over 1.40 metres and another sample of 7.43 g/t gold over 1.10 metres. At the Bona Prospect channel sampling has returned an encouraging zone of 4.43 g/t gold over 8.54 metres from five consecutive gold-bearing channel samples.
The Treasure, Grey Rock and Bona Prospects have now confirmed gold mineralization in outcrop over a strike length of 230 metres along the Treasure Shear. As reported on July 26, 2021, the company also identified the Vista Prospect a further 470 metres southeast of the Bona Prospect for a total strike length of 700 metres along the Treasure Shear. Channel sampling results are still pending on the Vista Prospects.
The Company’s planned diamond drilling program of 4,000 metres has now completed five drill holes at the Eagle Zone for a total of 851 metres drilled through September 12, 2021. Diamond drilling is currently in progress on the sixth hole at Eagle. Based on initial observations, all five diamond drill holes have intersected the Eagle Zone mineralization associated with a complex of strongly altered shears and brittle deformed areas over widths similar to those reported from the RC drilling in 2020 and the spring of 2021.
The observed upper intersections are entirely or partially oxidized and consist of brittle deformed and pervasive ankerite-sericite altered mafic volcanic with brittle shearing, in-part oxidized pyrite-pyrrhotite-arsenopyrite-stibnite sulphidation and silicification observed as pervasive replacement, stockworks and narrow quartz veins.
A lower zone of quartz sulphide veining and stockwork has also been observed in three holes associated with a lithological contact between altered mafic volcanic and sheared argillite. Samples for the first three holes have been sent for assay.