FAR Resources confirms bonanza gold and silver at Winston Project, New Mexico

FAR Resources Ltd. [CSE:FAT; FSE:FOR; OTC:FRRSF] has confirmed bonanza sampling of 41.5 g/t gold and 4,610.0 g/t silver on its Winston Project, New Mexico, on its newly staked claims. Before now, no modern exploration efforts have systemically assessed the northern portion of the Chloride District.
The company has covered approximately 32 km2 with prospecting and regional geologic mapping. Significant precious metals have been encountered by geochemical sampling, sufficient to warrant an accelerated exploration plan aimed at better defining targets for drilling.
Vein zones have been identified for follow-up hand-trenching and channel sampling; field crew will be deployed in March. Documents are being prepared to initiate permitting of a first phase core-drilling program.
Plans are being made for acquisition of a LIDAR derived Bare-Earth terrane model and high-resolution imagery. A geophysical program is being planned for the spring field season. Ground Magnetics will be acquired in target areas at 50m spacing and project wide at 100m.
Highlights of measured width sampling include 3.35 g/t gold with 245 g/t silver from a 0.3-metre channel sample inside the Little Granite Decline; 29.2 g/t gold with 462 g/t silver from a 0.6-metre continuous chip sample in north zone.
Prospecting grab sample highlights include sample 1671079 collected at a prospect pit in recently staked ground returned 41.5 g/t gold with 4,610.0 g/t silver. Samples 1671021, 1671024, 1671027 were collected from the same vein trend over 300-metre of strike and #1671021 returned 20.6 g/t gold with 21.0 g/t silver. Sample #1671024 returned 12.3 g/t gold with 381.0 g/t silver and sample #1671027 returned 5.7 g/t gold with 254.0 g/t silver.
Following the receipt of initial sampling which confirmed the presence of bonanza grade gold and silver values at the historic Ivanhoe, Emporia and Little Granite mines, the company carried out a prospecting program to trace some of the main structural zones hosting mineralization. This led to the staking of approximately 70 additional claims along trend to the north of Ivanhoe-Emporia and Little Granite.
John Gammack, President/CEO, commented: “The discovery of these high grades outside of our initial area of focus is very exciting. Our field work program is progressing as anticipated and is yielding positive results on our new claims. We will aggressively continue our work program to identify and expand the claims for the upcoming drill program in 2021.”