Fission Uranium expands high-grade mineralization east and west of Triple R deposit

Fission Uranium Corp. [FCU-TSX; FCUUF-; 2FU-FSE] reported results from 11 holes at its PLS property, host to the Triple R deposit, in Canada’s Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan: seven holes drilled on the R600W zone, three drilled on the R780E zone and one on the R1620E.
Of key importance, Hole PLS16-460, drilled on the R1620E Zone (line 1500E) 300 metres east of the Triple R deposit, has intersected 8.04 metres of total composite mineralization of >10,000 cps radioactivity in a continuous 50.0 metres wide mineralized zone that starts at the shallow depth of 65.5 metres depth.
Not only is this by far the strongest mineralization drilled to date on the R1620E zone but additionally it is the strongest mineralization east of line 1125E (R780E Zone) 375 metres further to the west. Hole PLS16-460 significantly upgrades the R1620E Zone.
All 11 holes were mineralized, with eight returning high-grade intervals. The high-grade R600W zone, the high-grade R1620E Zone and the newly discovered High-Grade R840W Zone have yet to be added to the Triple R deposit resource estimate.
Ross McElroy, President, COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, commented, “With the recent discovery of high-grade mineralization in PLS16-445 on the R840W Zone (see NR February 01, 2016) and now the discovery of high-grade mineralization 2.34km to the east on the R1620E zone (PLS16-460) drilling this winter at PLS has shown the upside blue-sky potential that exists. The shallow depth of mineralization in PLS16-460, starting at just 65.5m below surface, is a hallmark of the 2.47km long mineralized trend at PLS and is a continued reminder of just how much PLS and the Triple R differs from other discoveries and deposits in the Athabasca Basin. Neither the R600W, the R840W Zone nor the R1620E Zone have been added to the Triple R deposit resource estimate so the team is very excited to see this high-grade growth.”