Goldseek drills 3.1 g/t gold over 6.5 metres at Beschefer, Quebec

Goldseek Resources Inc. [GSK-CSE; GSKKF-OTC; 4KG-FSE] has released full gold results from its winter drill program at the Beschefer project, Quebec. BE-22-22 intersected 3.1 g/t gold over 6.5 metres, including 4.92 g/t gold over 2.8 metres, successfully extending the East Zone 30 metres to the east.
BE-22-24 was a successful extension hole with 1.76 g/t gold over 9.65 metres on the eastern strike extent of the East Zone. The Beschefer Project is located approximately 30 km southwest of the Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. [WM-TSX; WLBMF-OTC; WC7-FSE] Fenelon Gold Project. On March 3 rd, 2021, the company entered into an option agreement on the Beschefer Project to earn 100% over 4 years from Wallbridge.
Goldseek’s president and CEO, Jon Deluce, stated: “We are very excited to announce the full gold results from our winter drill program. We continue to outline the strong continuity and expansion potential at Beschefer. At the eastern margin of our drill grid, we identified wide low-grade intervals associated with strong alteration and brecciation, which are considered proximity indicators for the next potential high-grade gold shoot. We are planning a follow-up drill program this summer and geophysics to better investigate the location of additional high-grade gold shoots cross-cutting the main northeast trend.”
The Beschefer Project is positioned on a kilometric section of the B14 shear system hosted in the Brouillan volcanic formation. The northeast shallow dipping structure was discovered during the nineties, 12km east of the former Selbaie Mine following a base metal targeting program. The gold-bearing structure is open to the east on the property over a strike length of approximately 2km.
This drill program successfully extended the known mineralized lenses: Central Shallow Zone, East Zone, and Eastern Extension, between a vertical depth of 175 and 350 metres. The following results were successful in extending the northeast gold-bearing trend over approximately 200 metres.
BE-22-22 was drilled at close range east of the central East Zone section at around 275 metres vertical depth. This hole intercepted 3.1 g/t gold over 6.5 metres, including 4.92 g/t gold over 2.8 metres in an albitized shear zone at the hanging wall of the B14 structure and hosted about 5% of disseminated pyrite.
BE-22-27 was drilled at close range east of the central East Zone section to intercept the up-dip extension at about 200 metres vertical depth. This hole intercepted 1.52 g/t gold over 6.45 metres, higher grades were obtained from narrow quartz-pyrite bands concordant to the strong deformation fabric.
BE-22-24 was drilled to test the eastern strike extension of the East Zone to link the Zone with BE-21-14. This hole intercepted 1.76 g/t gold over 9.65 metres, including 2.79 g/t gold over 5.2 metres hosted in a strongly feldspathized and brecciated unit. Rarely seen in the area, more than half of the mineralized interval corresponds to a brecciated gold-bearing quartz vein which ran against the alteration zone. According to the Leapfrog model, BE-22-24 reinforces a northeast mineralized trend, which can be interpreted over about 100 metres. Hole BE-22-23 was drilled more than 80 metres down dip. The low-grade interval of 0.52 g/t gold over 10.5 metres supports the down-dip extension potential of the gold system.
BE-22-17 and BE-22-25 targeted the extension of the mineralized system past historical drilling and up to 50 metres east of BE-21-14 to support a strong northeast gold trend. Both holes have intersected a strong shear zone evolving to a tectonic breccia over 30 metres. Mineralized intervals of respectively 0.6 g/t gold over 15.5 metres (including 1.1 g/t over 5m) and 0.81 g/t gold over 1.15 metres are related to massive albite-ankerite alteration overprinting integrally volcanic texture of the host rock developed against the B14 ductile shear zone. Disseminated pyrite is observed in minor amounts through the entire unit.