Goldstorm Metals discovers multiple high-grade precious and base metal zones at Crown Project, British Columbia

Goldstorm Metals Corp. [TSXV-GSTM; FSE-B2U] reported final results from the company’s 2023 summer reconnaissance program conducted on its 100%-owned Crown property within the prolific Golden Triangle region of northwestern British Columbia.
The property is comprised of five contiguous concessions (Orion, Fairweather, Delta, Mackie West, High North), covering approximately 15,819 hectares, situated adjacent and due south of both Seabridge Gold’s KSM property and Newmont’s Brucejack gold mine.
Exploration carried out during 2023 on the Crown property consisted of work at the Orion Concession, as well as the Fairweather and Delta concessions, reported in this press release.
The program at Fairweather and Delta focused on prospecting newly exposed outcrops due to recent glacial ablation and building upon the historical discoveries made on the property. Reconnaissance sampling was conducted on both the Fairweather and Delta concessions which totaled 720 rock samples (620 at Fairweather and 100 at Delta) which were collected as 203 chip samples and 517 grab samples
Highlights include grab samples taken at Fairweather which returned 1.18 g/t gold, 2,656 g/t silver, 0.55% copper, 7.65% lead, and 5.03% zinc and 11.30 g/t gold, 89.02 g/t silver, 0.82% copper and 1.37% zinc from narrow steeply-dipping structures that may be associated to large bulk-tonnage, intrusive-related systems.
Reconnaissance of recently exposed fresh outcrop on the eastern area of the Fairweather Concession led to the discovery of three significant polymetallic mineralized zones referred to as the Galileo, Triton and Launch zones.
The Launch Zone, located near the upper Fairweather Glacier, occurs as fracture-controlled mineralization along well-defined shear zones and pods of semi-massive sulphide mineralization within a siltstone-mudstone host, close to the contact area with the Texas Creek intrusives. Representative chip sampling with this area returned 1.95 g/t gold, 15.09 g/t silver, 0.12% copper over 3.0 metres and 4.6 g/t gold, 118.5 g/t silver, 0.83% copper over 2.0 metres.
The Galileo Zone was discovered by reconnaissance mapping and sampling crews working along the southern portion of the Fairweather claim along freshly exposed outcrop, adjacent to the Frank Mackie glacier. This polymetallic, silver-rich sulphide veins-veinlets system with conjugate gold-rich quartz pyrite veins/veinlets occur within volcaniclastic rocks is believed to be from the Hazelton Formation. This zone can be traced approximately 500 metres east-west by 200 metres north-south and remains open in all directions. Galileo is considered a priority target for future exploration.
The Triton Zone, also located on the Fairweather Concession along the north boundary area, was discovered as a northwest-trending belt of recently exposed volcanic rocks with gold-silver mineralized shear-host veins and veinlets trending along an east-west structural corridor. The highest grab sample assayed 8.3 g/t gold and 48.8 g/t silver.
Sampling of the western area of Fairweather Concession returned samples up to 0.65 metres of 3.34 g/t gold associated with a zone of phyllic alteration in metamorphosed Triassic volcaniclastic rocks. Veining was associated with a large gossan colour anomaly measuring 600 x 200 metres along a northwest axis.
On the Delta Concessions, although crews spent fewer days in the area, they did obtain a grab sample that contained up to 2.4 g/t gold and 36.2 g/t silver within strong QSP altered volcanics during a preliminary reconnaissance traverse.
Ken Konkin, P.Geo., President and CEO, commented: “We are very pleased with the results generated by our reconnaissance team as part of our on-going exploration (OEX). Mapping and prospecting crews during 2023 have discovered several significant mineralized zones that appear to be independent and occur as multi-pulse events typical of peripheral hydrothermal systems that may be related to intrusive or magmatic activity that produce large bulk-tonnage intrusive-related or porphyry-related targets. We plan to increase our efforts with our OEX team in these areas with continued sampling and mapping with particular attention paid to various alteration phases. The goal is to fast-track and develop drill targets that may host not only high-grade precious and base-metal targets but also to delineate the possible source to these structures as they may relate to a much larger disseminated and veinlet system that may occur peripherally and/or at depth. Crews will be busy planning the 2024 exploration program over the next few months in addition to completing assessment reports for the 2023 exploration program.”
Goldstorm Metals has a large land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. Goldstorm’s flagship projects, Crown and Electrum, cover an area that totals approximately 16,469 hectares over 6 concessions, of which five are contiguous.
Electrum, also located in the Golden Triangle, is situated directly between Newmont’s Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 km to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 km to the south.