Great Atlantic exploring Golden Trust Project, Newfoundland

Great Atlantic Resources Corp. [TSXV-GR] reported its wholly owned subsidiary, Golden Promise Mines Inc., has begun the 2024 exploration program at its 100%-owned Golden Trust Property, located within central Newfoundland and 1 km north of the Valentine Gold Mine of Calibre Mining Corp. [TSX-CXB].
The 2024 program at Golden Trust consists of prospecting and rock – soil geochemical sampling. Work is planned in areas not previously explored by the Company and in areas of gold soil anomalies identified by the Company during 2020 and 2022 exploration programs.
Great Atlantic identified gold soil geochemical anomalies during 2020 and 2022 reconnaissance level soil sampling programs in multiple areas within the northern region of the Golden Trust Property. Analytical high values for these samples included 52 parts per billion (ppb) gold and 72 ppb gold, both samples within an approximately 350 metres long target area in the northwest region of the property.
The 2024 program will include prospecting and rock – soil geochemical sampling in the northern region of the property, the objectives to further define target areas for future gold exploration and locate sources of gold soil anomalies in this region of the property; and reconnaissance level prospecting and rock geochemical sampling +/- soil geochemical sampling to identify target areas in other regions of the property.
The Golden Trust Property (2,400 hectares) is relatively under-explored. Great Atlantic management have not found any reports of diamond drilling within the property.
Key points for the Golden Trust Property include: Located 1 km north of the Valentine Gold Mine of Calibre Mining Corp. and approximately 44 km southwest of Great Atlantic’s flagship Golden Promise Property.
Located within the prospective Victoria Lake Supergroup which hosts numerous epigenetic gold & volcanogenic massive sulfide occurrences. Located within the Exploits Subzone of the Dunnage Zone and east of a major (Appalachian-scale) collisional boundary, and suture zone.
Government till samples (2008) returned elevated to anomalous values for gold in various regions of the Golden Trust Property.