Group Eleven drills 15.4% zinc, lead over 6.9 metres at Ballywire, Ireland

Group Eleven Resources Corp. [ZNG-TSXV; GRLVF-OTC; 3GE-FSE] has discovered high-grade massive sulphides as part of an initial step-out reconnaissance drill program at its 100%-interest Ballywire zinc prospect, PG West project, Ireland.
Highlights included hole G11-468-03 that intersected a broad zone of zinc-lead-silver mineralization over a width of 66.0 metres, including four higher-grade zones (true width estimated to be 80-100% of intercepted width): 5.00 metres of 8.3% zinc
+lead (6.2% Zn and 2.1% Pb) and 107 g/t silver starting at 228.2 metres downhole), including 2.03 metres of 18.8% Zn+Pb (13.9% Zn and 4.9% Pb) and 227 g/t Ag; 6.85 metres of 15.4% Zn+Pb (11.1% Zn and 4.3% Pb) and 160 g/t Ag (starting at 251.6m), including 2.05 metres of 40.8% Zn+Pb (30.5% Zn and 10.3% Pb) and 385 g/t silver; 1.71 metres of 12.2% Zn+Pb (10.3% Zn and 1.9% Pb) and 38 g/t silver (starting at 268.9m) and 0.96 metres of 5.1% Zn+Pb (4.4% Zn and 0.8% Pb) and 15 g/t silver (starting at 274.7m).
The above intercepts contain several massive sulphide zones up to 2.95m thick (downhole). This discovery hole represents a 410m step-out NE of G11-468-01 which intersected 3.30 metres of 12.5% Zn+Pb (10.1% Zn and 2.4% Pb) and 48 g/t silver.
Discovery area around G11-468-03 remains open and untested along strike for approximately 3km to the ENE and 1.5km to the west, as well as, up-dip to the NNW for at least 500 metres. Immediate follow-up drilling is highly warranted
“Given the large step-out, the wide zone of mineralization and grades up to 52.4% Zn+Pb, G11-468-03 is one of the best holes drilled in Ireland over recent years. This fantastic result validates our team’s hard work building a robust geological understanding of our large license area over the last several years,” stated Bart Jaworski, CEO. “Ballywire is situated at the intersection of the Pallas Green Corridor and the south-westerly projection of the famous Rathdowney Trend, which hosts the historic Lisheen and Galmoy zinc mines. Given the above results and coupled with hole G11-468-01 drilled in 2021, Ballywire is starting to exhibit signs of a large system with high-grade zinc-lead mineralization now pierced by three holes over approximately 1.5km. Exploration upside remains wide open reflecting sparse historic drilling. Notably, the next nearest historic hole to test the target horizon to the ENE is 3km away, and yet still hosts an appreciable 5.0m of 1.6% Zn+Pb.
“Unlike Carrickittle where high-grade mineralization is steeply dipping, Ballywire mineralization appears to be bedding-parallel along the base of the Waulsortian limestone. This implies relatively enhanced tonnage potential, as well as, similarities to the morphology of classic Irish-type zinc deposits. Overall, with our compelling deep target at Carrickittle West announced in June, high-grade massive sulphides discovered nearby at Carrickittle in 2020 and now this discovery at Ballywire, the prospectivity of our extensive land package has never been more exciting. We look forward to updating the market on next steps at Ballywire and our other projects over the near term.”