Imperial Metals drills 232 metres grading 2.6 g/t gold and 1.5% copper at Red Chris Mine

Imperial Metals Corp. [III-TSX; IPMLF-OTC] reports on the exploration drill programs at the Red Chris Mine 80 km south of Dease Lake, northwestern British Columbia, conducted by Newcrest Red Chris Mining Ltd., operator of the Red Chris joint venture (Newcrest Mining 70% and Imperial 30% as of August 15, 2019).
The 2019 metals production at the Red Chris Mine was 71.9 million pounds copper, 36,471 ounces gold, and 133,879 ounces silver.
This follow-up drilling continues to confirm the continuity of a discrete pod of high-grade mineralization in the vicinity of RC09-350 and RC611. Drill hole RC623, drilled to intersect the high-grade pod 100 metres above RC611, intersected 232 metres grading 2.6 g/t gold and 1.5% copper that included a 122-metre interval grading 4.5 g/t gold and 2.3% copper. Hole RC620, drilled 100 metres below RC611, confirmed the extent of the plus one g/t gold halo which surrounds the high-grade pod. Follow-up infill drilling continues to define the extent of this mineralization.
Hole RC616 confirmed a broad zone of high-grade mineralization with an intersection of 514 metres grading 0.81 g/t gold and 0.57% copper, which includes the previously reported 80-metre interval of high-grade that assayed 3.4 g/t gold and 1.7% copper. This high-grade zone was not intersected by previous drilling and confirms the potential of finding additional discrete high-grade pods of mineralization within the East zone. Follow-up drilling to define the extent of the RC616 high-grade zone is under way.
A total of 40,069 metres of drilling has been completed since Newcrest acquired its interest in the joint venture in August, 2019. Drilling continues to refine the overall geometry of the system and controls to high-grade gold-copper mineralization within a subvertical zone approximately 600 metres long, 300 metres wide and 600 metres vertically. Mineralization is supported by extensive historical drilling data. On completion of the East Zone resource definition program, Newcrest intends to construct a new resource model incorporating both historical and Newcrest drilling data.
Imperial is a Vancouver exploration, mine development and operating company. Through its subsidiaries, it owns a 30% interest in the Red Chris Mine, and a 100% interest in both the Mount Polley and Huckleberry copper mines in British Columbia. Imperial also holds a 45.3% interest in the Ruddock Creek lead/zinc property, B.C.