Integra Resources drills 221 metres of 2.16 g/t AuEq
The Integra Resources DeLamar Project in southwestern Idaho. Source: Integra Resources Corp.
Integra Resources Corp. [ITR-TSXV; IRRZF-OTCQX] reported assay results June 25 from a further three drill holes completed in its 2018 drill program on the DeLamar Gold and Silver Project located in the historic Owyhee County mining district of southwestern Idaho. This second round of drill results released today continues to demonstrate continuity of mineralization within the DeLamar Deposit, with large zones of lower-grade gold-silver and selected higher-grade intercepts intersected. Today’s results are from 1,060 metres of drilling of the roughly 20,000-metre exploration program currently underway.
- Drilling continues to intersect mineralization beyond the footprint of the DeLamar Deposit to the southeast of previously reported results, almost no drilling has taken place beyond the drill intercepts announced today highlighting the continued potential for resource expansion;
- Significant drill results from the Sullivan Gulch Zone within the DeLamar Deposit include two holes spaced 150 metres apart, grading 2.16 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) over 220.98 m (IDM-18-014), and 1.74 g/t AuEq over 198.12 metres (IDM-18-011);
- The two drill holes are located 150 metres from one another, are on section approximately 100 metres from the most recently released holes and both holes were terminated in mineralization;
- Approximately 64% and 59% of the two drill intersections referenced above occurred outside of the existing inferred resource envelope boundary, clearly showing the potential for resource expansion;
- Several select sections of this zone contain significant high-grade gold-silver intercepts, including: 4.14 g/t AuEq over 73.15 metres, 8.95 g/t AuEq over 10.67 metres, 7.49 g/t AuEq over 12.19 metres, and 26.73 g/t AuEq over 1.52 metres;
- This area in SE Sullivan Gulch was never mined by previous operators;
- Three drill rigs are currently active on the DeLamar Project, including one drill rig drilling the Florida Mountain Deposit, situated 8 km to the east of the DeLamar Deposit
“We are very excited by the strong potential for resource expansion at DeLamar, as evidenced by today’s extensional drilling results. Our technical team is seeing excellent continuity on the southeastern extension of the DeLamar Deposit, in the Sullivan Gulch Zone. This was showcased today by both very large lower-grade gold-silver intercepts, and by selected higher-grade gold-silver intercepts over 10 metres in width,” stated George Salamis, President and CEO of Integra Resources. “This is the first systematic drilling ever undertaken in the Sullivan Gulch zone on the southeastern end of the DeLamar Deposit trend. The positive results highlighted in today’s news release, stepping out 100 m south east of the previous intercepts reported earlier last month, are hosted in an area where there has been very little past drilling and no past mining. Based on the findings of these last two sets of drill results, gold-silver mineralization at DeLamar appears to remain open in multiple directions.”
Past drilling by Kinross was conducted to an average depth of 100 metres in the Sullivan Gulch area of the deposit, whereas current drilling is testing in excess of 250 metres vertical with results thus far demonstrating excellent mineralization continuity.
These drill results represent the thickest and, selectively, the highest-grade gold-silver intercepts drilled to date at DeLamar by Integra. Further drilling will be required to determine if the higher-grade sections reported today relate to past high-grade gold-silver mined underground in the 1880’s.
Since the start of the 2018 campaign, the company has drilled roughly 8,900 metres in 33 drill holes, with assays pending from a further 21 drill holes beyond what was released today.
This year’s $10 million exploration program includes an estimated 20,000 metres of RC and diamond drilling. The proposed drill meterage will be divided roughly equally between the DeLamar and Florida Mountain Deposits. Drilling has commenced at Florida Mountain, and will continue throughout the summer months into Q3 of this year.
Refer to company press release for more details.