Irving Resources drills 6.45 g/t gold over 1.23 metres at Omu, Japan

Irving Resources Inc. [IRV-CSE; IRVRF-OTCQX] reports that extended diamond drill hole 21HKR-001 completed at Hokuryu, part of the 100%-controlled Omu gold-silver vein project, Hokkaido, Japan, has encountered multiple high-grade Au-Ag veins.
A summary of diamond drill results from Hokuryu Historic Mine Site included highlighted vein intercepts from extended hole HKR-001 completed at Hokuryu returned 3.12 g/t gold and 469.00 g/t silver (8.98 g/t AuEq – gold equivalent) over 0.41 metres; 4.27 g/t Au and 7.55 g/t Ag (4.36 gpt AuEq) over 1.67 metres; 6.45 g/t Au and 13.22 g/t Ag (6.62 gpt AuEq) over 1.23 metres; 4.07 g/t Au and 21.62 g/t Ag (4.34 gpt AuEq) over 0.91 metres.
Hole 21HKR-001 was partially completed in late 2021, but was shut down before completion due to early winter conditions. The hole was re-entered and extended to a depth of 600 metres in July and August 2022.
Veins encountered in hole 21HKR-001 are thought to be extensions of the Hokuryu vein assemblage mined during a brief period from around 1928 until it was shut in 1943 due to the Gold Mine Closure Act near the end of WWII. Hokuryu mine, owned by Nihon Mining Company, Ltd., produced approximately 2.8 tonnes gold and 11.5 tonnes silver during its short life.
Importantly, the lowest vein intercepts encountered in 21HKR-001 lie nearly 200 metres beneath historic mined areas indicating considerable upside is present at depth.
Given the angles at which veins were intercepted in both holes, the Company believes true vein widths are approximately 50-70% of drill intercept widths.
Additional drilling has recently been completed at Hokuryu. Drilling has currently shifted to the Omui mine site at lower elevation where the Company plans to drill the remainder of 2022 and again starting in late January 2023.
For the Omu Au-Ag Project 2023 drill program, Irving has recently purchased Rodren Drilling’s EF-75 diamond drill and, together with the recently acquired Zinex A-5 drill, now has two drills capable of drilling at its Omu Au-Ag project, Hokkaido.
In 2023, Irving plans to drill at each of the three principal targets at Omu, Omui mine site, Hokuryu and Omu Sinter as well as one new target, Maruyama, located a couple km north of Hokuryu. Targets to be drill tested in 2023 include newly-defined vein extensions at Omui mine site. Irving believes significant potential lies to the east of the Nanko vein assemblage.
Offset drilling around recent high-grade vein intercepts at Omui mine site, particularly near the Honpi area.
Additional drilling at Hokuryu oriented from south to north to more optimally intersect vein projections. Follow up drilling of veins and mineralized sinter at Omu Sinter. Inaugural drilling at Maruyama where an interpreted deep-rooted diatreme has recently been identified.
“The known Hokuryu vein assemblage appears to be underlain by significant vein extensions, a good sign this area has a lot more potential for expansion,” commented Dr. Quinton Hennigh, technical advisor and a director of Irving. “We are pleased to see Hokuryu, our third target at the Omu project, deliver strong results similar to those at the other two, Omui mine site and Omu Sinter. We have three strong targets to follow up at Omu, and an exciting new one, Maruyama, to test with a maiden program and we are hopeful that drill production will accelerate significantly in 2023.”