Klondike Gold samples 42 g/t gold at Stander Zone, Yukon

Klondike Gold Corp. [TSXV-KG; OTCQB-KDKGF; FRA-LBDP] reported that prospecting rock sample results from the Stander Zone targeting of orogenic gold mineralization at the 100%-owned Klondike District Property in the Dawson mining district, Yukon, Canada.
Peter Tallman, President and CEO, stated, “Persistent scientific and exploration efforts reevaluating the Klondike District are steadily being rewarded. An overlooked and potentially world-class orogenic gold belt is emerging as demonstrated by recent academic research results, by the company’s 2023 multiple discoveries of high-grade orogenic gold veins at surface and in drill core, and by this news release confirming continuity of the Stander Zone to surface with >1 oz/ton gold grade samples as demonstrated by prospecting. This has focused the company’s multi-phase 2024 drill program on areas along Eldorado Creek as the best target for discovery of significant volumes of orogenic gold mineralization and near-term expansion of our existing Stander Zone mineral resource.”
Field work began in early May 2024 with the objective to locate outcropping high-grade gold-bearing quartz veining on the Eldorado Creek slope projected to surface from four 2023 high grade gold-bearing drill intersections at the Stander Zone including 90.55 g/t Au (2.91 oz/t Au) over 0.55 metres among others.
Prospecting and hand trenching yielded quartz veining with visible gold in three areas spanning 150 metres distance along the surface projection of Stander Zone mineralization. Eleven prospecting samples were collected in total. The three best samples assayed 41.2 g/t Au (1.36 opt Au), 30.3 g/t Au (1.17 opt Au), and 24.9 g/t Au (0.77 opt Au) along strike from southeast to northwest respectively from each of the three areas. Visible gold was identified at each area. In total, five of eleven prospecting samples contain visible gold and all samples assayed gold between 0.24 g/t Au to 41.2 g/t Au. The lowest assay of 0.24 g/t Au was from a quartz rock sample with a visible gold grain; the gold grain presumably did not make it into the assay sub-sample.
These prospecting results are significant for potentially demonstrating continuity of high-grade (~1 opt Au) gold mineralization from 2023 discovery drill intercepts upward to surface exposures. The company’s recently concluded its 2,750-metre Phase 1 drill program tested the Stander Zone in this area, as well as testing along-strike for similar mineralization.
Phase 2 drilling of ~2,500 metres has commenced. This phase tests the potential for high grade near surface and southeasterly striking gold veining at Stander Zone and also include tests for additional mineralization at the nearby Gay Gulch gold showing area.
The company has contracted MSALABS to provide gold analyses by ‘PhotonAssay’ for 2024. All Phase 1 drill core samples have been submitted for analysis. Drill assay results are pending and anticipated to be available in the coming weeks, a significant positive change in timing from previous years.
The Klondike District Gold Project targets gold associated with district scale orogenic faults along the 55-km length of the famous Klondike Goldfields placer district. Multi-km gold mineralization has been identified at both the Lone Star Zone and Stander Zone, among other targets.
The company has identified a Mineral Resource Estimate of 469,000 Indicated and 112,000 Inferred gold ounces, a milestone first for the Klondike District. The company is focused on exploration and development of its 727 km2 property accessible by scheduled airline and government-maintained roads located on the outskirts of Dawson City, Yukon, within the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation traditional territory.