Kootenay Silver trenches 9 metres of 5.29 g/t gold at Maria Elena, Mexico

Kootenay Silver Inc. [KTN-TSXV; KOOYF-OTC] reported a significant gold discovery on its 100%-owned Maria Elena gold project (Male), located approximately 100 km southeast of the city of Hermosillo in Sonora state, Mexico.
Trenching conducted at the property has exposed several exciting gold results. This program included a total of 8 trenches completed over four areas of the property. Of the eight trenches, positive results from five (trenches 0,2,4,5,6) were received with results for the remaining trenches (1, 3 and 7) not encountering any significant veining or values. Highlights from the results received to date are as follows:
Trench 6 returned 33 metres averaging 2.67 g/t gold, including 9 metres of 5.29 g/t gold, including 1 metre of 23.7 g/t gold. Trench 4 returned 24 metres averaging 1.81 g/t gold, including 8 metres of 3.98 g/t gold, including 1 metre of 17.25. g/t gold. Trench 2 returned 9 metres averaging 2.01 g/t gold, including 1 metre of 15.45 g/t gold.
Initial trenching was completed by an excavator with chip samples taken across one-meter lengths. Trench 0 returned narrow anomalous gold values to 0.38 g/t gold over 1 metre.
The mineralized stock works are made of multiple veins that individually range from tens of centimeters to 1.7 metres in width. Numerous conjugate vein sets and associated stock work zones occur within a 1.5 by 1.5-kmr area hosted within a diorite intrusion and are the source of the placer gold historically mined on the property.
Prior to trenching, earlier prospecting work by Kootenay indicated very anomalous gold in the quartz veins. Out of 426 select (prospector) grab samples and soils, 47% of the tests returned greater than 0.5 g/t gold, whereas 36% returned greater than 1 g/t gold and 16% retuned greater than 5 g/t gold. Individual gold values included highs of 260 g/t, 85 g/t, 81 g/t, 53 -kmer ground magnetic survey has been conducted. Preliminary interpretation shows some association with magnetic trends striking northwest, north-south and northeast with the primary stock work trends. Interpretation of the mag data continues. Two IP lines which range about 2 kilometers each have also been run. These results are also being compiled.