Koryx Copper posts Haib copper project drill results, Namibia

Koryx Copper Inc. [TSXV-KRY; OTC-KRYXF; FSE-DSD] announced the second assay results from its current drilling program at its Haib Copper project in southern Namibia. The company’s latest two drill holes continue to confirm that the deposit can deliver high grades over substantial widths within the known historical resource.
Significant copper and molybdenum intersections include:
HM21 returned 0.36% CuEq over 124.44 metres including 0.45% CuEq over 26 metres; and 1.17% CuEq over 2 metres; and 1.04% CuEq over 2 metres; and 0.43% CuEq over 16 metres. HM16 returned 0.32% CuEq over 18 metres from near surface including 6m at 0.45% CuEq.
Pierre Léveillé, President & CEO of Deep-South, stated that: “We are extremely enthusiastic by the results from the drill program. We continue to demonstrate that the drilling results of the previous companies have seriously underestimated the average grade of the deposit. Our drilling is a game changer and will strongly add value to the deposit.”
The 2 holes for which assay results are reported here, cover 472.92 metres with both holes drilled in the Pit 1 target area. These holes were positioned to close the sample spacing of the previously identified higher grade mineralisation in the Pit 1 area, and to better define and understand the geometry of mineralization controls here. Width refers to intersection width; true widths have not been determined.
Since the resumption of drilling in October 2023, 14 holes have been completed totaling 2,511 metres. Twelve holes (2,322m) have been sampled and submitted to ALS for assaying with the results of 5 holes (502 samples) received to date from ALS.
A further 9 boreholes (1,600m) remain to be drilled from the current program, all of which are in the Pit 1 target area.
The Haib Copper Deposit is a large copper/molybdenum deposit situated 40 km from the southern boundary of Namibia. The license covers 370 km2 (37,000 hectares). Over the years the project has seen 70,000 metres of drilling, several metallurgical test work programmes, geophysical surveys, geological mapping, mine modeling and even a feasibility study in 1996. Koryx Copper holds all the historical data.
Koryx Copper holds the Haib Copper Project in Namibia and holds an interest in three exploration licenses in the Copperbelt in Zambia.