Largo tables new vanadium-titanium life-of-mine plan

Largo Inc. [LGO-TSX, NASDAQ] has announced the results of an updated life of mine plan and pre-feasibility study for its Maracas Menchen vanadium-titanium operation in Bahia State, Brazil.
Largo is a rare pure-play vanadium producer and is currently one of the world’s lowest-cost producers of the metal.
The announcement comes after Largo recently increased quarterly vanadium pentoxide equivalent (V205) production by 42% with 3,072 tonnes produced in the third quarter of 2024. Ilmenite production was up 90% over Q2 to 16,383 tonnes.
Highlights of the life of mine plan and prefeasibility study include a total operating mine life for the project of 31 years, representing an increase of 13 years in mine life when compared to the parameters set forth in the company’s 2021 technical report.
The life of mine plan is supported by a significant increase in total proven and probable reserves of 101.03 million tonnes grading 0.56% V205, yielding 2.16% V205 in magnetic concentrate for 435,31 kt of contained V205 in magnetic concentrate and head grade of 7.52% TiO2 for 6,890.99 kt of contained Ti02 in non-magnetic concentrate, representing a 67% increase in total mineral reserves.
The new plan is highlights strong economics over the project life, including additional Ti02 (titanium dioxide) pigment production upside opportunity.
“The results of our 2024 technical report clearly showcase the long-term potential of the Maracas Menchen vanadium and titanium operation and reaffirm Largo’s position as a secure and reliable supplier of critical minerals for the future in Americas,’’ said Largo interim CEO Daniel Tellechea.
“Additionally, the economic scenarios presented in the 2024 technical report, including a post-tax NPV 7.0% of $1.1 billion and undiscounted accumulated cash flows of $3.8 billion over the life of the project, demonstrate the project’s ability to generate sustainable value subject to the outlined capex and cost scenarios.’’
The company’s 2024 technical report outlines a comprehensive plan for the proposed development of its project, highlighting key milestones across the 31-year project life cycle. The outlined and mining development phases are as follows:
- 2023 to 2032: Continued mining at Campbell pit: Mining operations will focus on the Campbell pit, extracting vanadium-rich ore to meet the production target of 2.6 million tonnes per annum for the next mine years.
- 2032 to 2054: Sequential mining from NAN, SJO, NAO, and Gan pits: Following the Campbell pit, mining would transition sequentially to the NAN, SJO, NAO and GAN pits, ensuring a continuous feed of 3.4 million tonnes per annum to the vanadium and titanium processing plants.
The proposed production timeline features the introduction of a second kiln in 2027, designed for a 20-tonne-per-hour feed rate to increase the capacity of the vanadium operations.