Leocor Gold updates drilling at Copper Creek Project, Newfoundland

Leocor Gold Inc. [CSE: LECR; OTCQB: LECRF], a resource company focused on the development of several gold-copper projects in Eastern Canada, updates its upcoming drill campaign at the Baie Verte project, which comprises both the Copper Creek and Dorset Gold Projects, among others, located in north-central Newfoundland, Canada.
Rally Drill Services of New Brunswick has been chosen to provide equipment and crew for the program, which is planned for up to 5,000 metres of drilling primarily focused on copper targets at Copper Creek, and gold targets within the adjacent Dorset claims.
The drill permit application has been advanced to the referral stage and is currently under assessment. Drill targets at Copper Creek have been finalized within the large copper anomaly discovered through the company’s previous exploration work in 2022 and 2023. The company anticipates finalizing timelines for the commencement of drilling sometime in the next four weeks.
Leocor’s Baie Verte project is an approximately 2,000-ha contiguous exploration package that incorporates several claim areas including the Copper Creek project, a copper exploration target with compelling historical results. The Company is excited to begin detailed prospecting within areas of interest and systematically testing known zones of copper mineralization. The adjacent Dorset Gold Project is already established as containing several high-grade gold zones, and presents additional, highly prospective exploration targets.
The Copper Creek portion of the Baie Verte Project has had little copper-focused work completed over the past few years and provides excellent exploration potential. In 2021, the company completed exploration work at Dorset and Copper Creek that included soil sampling, geophysics, LiDAR and high-resolution drive imagery.
Highlights of the program include multiple targets identified along 7km northeast trending zone of anomalous gold in soils and a 4km subparallel trend of anomalous copper (+/- gold) in soils with results up to 2862 ppm copper (“Cu”) and 1,601 ppb gold.
Indications of two styes of mineralization on the project including VMS style copper (+/-gold-zinc) mineralization and structurally controlled gold mineralization with similarities to the nearby Pine Cover Mine.
A detailed 2021 soil program outlined a new 6.5 Km mineralized gold trend that was not previously known, and a base metal copper-zinc target measuring 1,200 metres by 400 metres, located in proximity to the Terra Nova base metal deposit.
The nearby Dorset Gold Project is located south of the Pine Cove Gold Mine and features multiple zones of high-grade gold mineralization. The Company completed a Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drill program in late 2022 that tested six different target areas for gold and/or copper mineralization with 18 drill holes. The program was designed to follow up on previously announced exploration results.
Highlights from the 2022 RAB program include: Sharpie Ridge Target: 2.32 g/t gold over 10.67 metres, including 10.2 g/t gold over 1.52 metres. New target that is open along strike and at depth.
Braz NE Target: 3.18 g/t gold over 4.57 metres from surface. New target that is open along strike and at depth.
Dorset Main Target: 1.41 g/t gold over 7.62 metres. Confirming geometry of the mineralized zone.
The Dorset project is highly prospective for additional high-grade gold zones and the 2024 program will be designed to test some of the priority zones within a prominent 1 x 2 km gold-in-soil anomaly delineated by Leocor in 2022.
The Baie Verte project combines the Dorset, Dorset Extension, Five Mile Brook and Copper Creek projects consisting of 14 mineral licenses, totalling 80 claims, and covering 1995 hectares (19.95 km2).
The Baie Verte Peninsula represents one of the more productive and historical gold and base metal mining districts in Canada.
Leocor Gold is involved in the acquisition and exploration of precious metal projects, with a current focus in Atlantic Canada. Leocor, through outright ownership and earn-in agreements, currently controls several gold-copper projects in prime exploration ground located within the prolific Baie Verte Mining District.
Leocor’s Bae Verte portfolio includes the Dorset, Dorset Extension, Copper Creek and Five Mile Brook projects, creating a contiguous nearly 2,000-hectare exploration corridor. The company also controls district-scale land packages in north-central Newfoundland, known as Robert’s Arm, Hodge’s Hill, and Leamington, (collectively Western Exploits) representing over 144,000 hectares (1,440 km2) of prospective exploration ground.