Li-FT Power drills 1.22% Li2O Over 37 metres at Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Li-FT Power Ltd. [CSE-LIFT; OTCQX-LIFFF; FSE-WS0] reported assays from five drill holes completed at the Fi Southwest, Fi Main and BIG East pegmatites within the Yellowknife lithium project (YLP) located outside of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Drilling has intersected significant intervals of spodumene mineralization, with the following highlights:
YLP-0054 returned 37 metres at 1.22% Li2O (lithium oxide) (Fi SW). YLP-0057 returned 26 metres at 0.47% Li2O (Fi Main). YLP-0058 returned 12 metres at 1.27% Li2O (BIG East); and 11 metres at 1.06% Li2O. YLP-0062 returned 16 metres at 1.24% Li2O (Fi Main).
Francis MacDonald, CEO, commented: “Fi Southwest continues to deliver wide intersects with excellent grades to a vertical depth of 150 metres. BIG East has delivered another great result with the two branches of the dike system totalling greater than 20 metres of dike material at consistent grades. Fi Main has more variable grades but continues to expand in terms of overall tonnage.”
This week’s drill results are from the Fi pegmatite dike complex, which includes the Fi Southwest (Fi SW) and Fi Main dikes, as well as the BIG East pegmatite dike swarms.
Fi Southwest: YLP0054 and YLP0061 both tested the Fi SW pegmatite, a 25 to 30-metre wide dike that dips 70-80 degrees east-southeast and extends for at least 900 metres on surface and 200 metres down dip. Both holes were drilled on the same section located approximately 250 m south of the dike’s northern tip.
Mineralogical characterization for the Fi Southwest pegmatite is in progress through hyperspectral core scanning and X-ray diffraction work. Visual core logging indicates that the predominant host mineral is spodumene whereas other significant non-lithium-bearing phases include quartz and feldspar.
Fi Main: YLP0057 and YLP0062 were drilled into the Fi Main pegmatite, which comprises a 10 to 100-metre wide corridor of one to five dikes that dips between 70 and 85 degrees west-northwest and extends for at least 1,500 metres on surface and 200 metres down dip.
YLP0057 was designed to test the Fi Main dike approximately 450 metres north of its southern tip and 50 vertical metres beneath the surface. Drilling returned a single interval of pegmatite, from 45 to 71 metres core depth, that assayed 0.47 per cent Li2O over 26 metres. True thickness is estimated at approximately 65 per cent of the reported width.
Mineralogical characterization for the Fi Main pegmatite is in progress through hyperspectral core scanning and X-ray diffraction work. Visual core logging indicates that the predominant host mineral is spodumene whereas other significant non-lithium-bearing phases include quartz and feldspar.
BIG East: YLP0058 was drilled into the BIG East pegmatite swarm, which comprises a 35 to 80-metre wide corridor of parallel-trending dikes that dips 65 degrees to 70 degrees west and extends for at least 1,000 metres along surface and 200 metres down dip.
YLP0058 was designed to test the BIG East swarm approximately 200 metres from its northern end and 100 metres vertically beneath the surface. Drilling intersected five dikes over 76 metres of core length, with individual dikes ranging from one to 12 metres in core length and summing to a combined width of 32 metres. Assays include intervals of 1.27% Li2O over 12 metres, 1.06% Li2O over 11 metres and 0.78% Li2O over five metres. True thickness for all dikes in this hole is estimated at 90-95% of the core widths.
Mineralogical characterization of the BIG East dike swarm is in progress through hyperspectral core scanning and X-ray diffraction work. Visual core logging indicates that the predominant host mineral is spodumene whereas other significant non-lithium-bearing phases include quartz and feldspar.
Currently, Li-FT has reported results from 62 drill holes (10,927 metres). To date, 188 diamond drill holes have been completed (30,235 metres).
In other news, Carl Verley, vice-president of exploration, has left the company effective immediately.
The company’s flagship project is the Yellowknife lithium project located in Northwest Territories, Canada. Li-FT also holds three early-stage exploration properties in Quebec, Canada, with excellent potential for the discovery of buried lithium pegmatites, as well as the Cali project in Northwest Territories within the Little Nahanni pegmatite group.