LiTHOS Group completes lithium brine testing for clients

LiTHOS Group Inc. [NEO-LITS; OTCQB-LITSF; FSE-YU8; WKN-A3ES4Q] has completed testing of several thousand litres of lithium field brine from current contacted lithium producers. Lithos’ proprietary, patent-pending AcQUATM process – which has been used for 7 years to clean oil brines in the USA – can remove impurities in lithium brines to non-detect levels. The removal of impurities can greatly reduce time, cost, water use and environmental footprint of large lithium evaporation ponds. LiTHOS will finalize and deliver its reports to its clients, providing transparency on the AcQUATM process to remove these impurities, creating a high-grade lithium brine in a fraction of the time of conventional processing.” said Lithos Group CEO Scott Taylor. “We’re not just giving the customer a result, as we look at the actual molecular mobility and the perm selectivity of the many molecules (elements) in the brine.”
“A major strength of AcQUATM is how selective it is-we can show how the different elements – the waste elements and the valuable elements-are moving through our system and show the client that progression in actual data in a quantitative manner. We run that test 5 to 10 times at each step to optimize the yield and the overall economics for our customers. We take frequent periodic measurements of the fluid chemistry with our in-house testing equipment set-up to find the best operating conditions unique to each reservoir brine.”
Lithos now has testing contracts with four of the top lithium producers in the world, who produce more than 80% of the western world’s lithium today. Lithos is also scheduled to validate pre-treatment and lithium extraction for several global oil and gas producers in 2024.
Two additional customers issued purchase orders for testing and received export approvals and extracted field brines for shipment to our facility in Alabama. Results for these tests are anticipated in April.
We are delivering commercial proposals to no less than six new customers for paid pilot projects. A couple of these new projects will evidence the unique capability of our AcQUA technology to not only optimize the recovery of lithium but also other valuable aqueous minerals such as magnesium and strategic rare earths.
The company’s mission is to deliver sustainable lithium production without the use of evaporation ponds. AcQUATM is LiTHOS’ patent-pending technology that spans the complete value chain from the conditioning and pre-treatment of raw brines through the DLE phase into the polishing and purification of battery grade lithium feedstock. LiTHOS has two fully operational processing facilities: a 4,000 sq ft lab in Denver, CO and a 55,000 sq ft complex in Bessemer, AL.
LiTHOS is working under contract with multiple strategic mineral resource owners and processing brines from the largest Salars in Chile and Argentina, and the Smackover reservoir in the Southeastern United States. Our wholly owned subsidiary, Aqueous Resources LLC, is a US Department of Energy grant awardee and a Colorado Advanced Industries grant awardee.