MAS drills 117.2 metres of 1.249 g/t gold at Preview-North, Saskatchewan

MAS Gold Corp. [MAS-TSXV] reported results from the first three of 10 holes from the 2021 winter drill program at the North Lake gold deposit on its 100%-owned Preview-North property in the La Ronge gold belt, Saskatchewan.
Ron Netolitzky, chairman, said, “Hole NL21-054 marks a significant milestone for the North Lake project in a number of ways. It includes the widest continuous weighted average intercept of greater than one gram gold/tonne drilled on the property to date. It also represents one of the biggest down-dip step-outs drilled on the property to date, extending the mineralized zone in the central portion of the deposit roughly 80 m further down-dip from where it has been intersected historically.”
Hole NL21-054 returned an intercept of 117.2 metres grading 1.249 g/t beginning at a depth of 88.0 metrres that included a 1.0-metre interval that averaged 24.140 g/t gold at 176.0 to 177.0 metres. With the assay values capped at 10 g/t gold, the same 117.2-metre interval averages 1.129 g/t gold.
Jim Engdahl, president andCEO, remarked, “We are very encouraged by these first holes and look forward to getting the results from the remaining seven holes, including the holes immediately surrounding hole NL21-054 that are up and down-dip and along strike to the south.”
Holes NL21-052, -053 and -054 were collared along sections spread across approximately 120 metres of strike length of the deposit and included in their midst 2019 hole NL19-046. NL19-046 includes two intervals between the downhole depths of 108.0 metres and 210.0 metres that assayed 1.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres and 1.04 g/t gold over 29.0 metres.
David Tupper, vice-president of exploration, observed: “The consistency of the grades throughout the mineralized intervals is notable. While there are narrow individual high-grade zones within the deposit, such as the half metre in hole NL21-052 that assayed 31.62 g/t gold, the weighted average results are largely representative of the majority of the individual sample results. This, in combination with the preliminary flotation and cyanidation metallurgical test recoveries of up to 94.7% and 93.4%, respectively, that we reported November 12, 2019, gives us a lot to be optimistic about at North Lake.”
MAS Gold is currently budgeting its summer drill, geological mapping and geochemical exploration work program, planned to commence in mid-June. The work program will include a total of 5,000-metre drilling on its 100%-owned Greywacke North and North Lake gold deposits.