Mawson drills 21.7 metres of 4.7 g/t gold, 1% antimony at Sunday Creek, Australia

Mawson Gold Ltd. [MAW-TSX; MWSNF-OTC; MXR-FSE] reported assays from seven diamond drill holes (MDDSC016A-22) at the 100%-owned Sunday Creek project in the Victorian goldfields of Australia. The Sunday Creek epizonal-style gold project is located 56 km north of Melbourne and within 19,365 hectares of exploration tenements.
Highlights include 21.7 metres at 4.7 g/t gold and 1.0% antimony (5.6 g/t gold equivalent) from 274.7 metres in hole MDDSC021, including 0.4 metres at 145.5 g/t gold and 20.0% antimony (Sb) (165.4 g/t AuEq) from 277.0 metres; 1.1 metres at 19.2 g/t gold and 7.5% Sb (26.7 g/t AuEq) from 280.4 metres; 0.4 metres at 14.7 g/t gold and 3.3% Sb (17.9 g/t AuEq) from 287.4 metres.
The deepest drill hole drilled at Sunday Creek (225 metres vertical depth) and highest-grade gold-stibnite mineralization to date was 77.6 metres at 0.8 g/t gold and 0.2% Sb (1.0 g/t AuEq) from 109.4 meters in hole MDDSC016A, including 23.5 metres at 1.6 g/t gold and 0.3% Sb (1.9 g/t AuEq) from 109.4 metres. Drilling continues with 25 diamond drill holes (MDDSC001 to 025) for 6,005 metres have been now completed at the Sunday Creek gold project.
Michael Hudson, executive chairman, stated: “As we start to take bolder and larger step-outs, our deepest hole at Sunday Creek intersected the highest grades we have seen to date and is the seventh intersection exceeding 100 g/t gold by width on the project. Sunday Creek continues to deliver with continuity of mineralization over larger strike distances in multiple drill holes and grades improving at depth. Notwithstanding, all mineralization remains open at depth and the system continues 10 km east covering historic mines, without a single drill hole test.”
MDDSC016A intersected 77.6 metres at 0.8 g/t gold and 0.2% Sb 1.0 g/t AuEq (no lower cut) from 109.4 metres at the Apollo mine area.
MDDSC017, also at Apollo, intersected 0.7 metres at 14.1 g/t gold and 0.0% Sb (14.1 g/t AuEq) from 242.7 metres.
MDDSC018, Mawson’s first drill hole to test immediately below the Golden dike workings, intersected 12.2 metres at 1.6 g/t gold and 0.2% Sb (1.8 g/t AuEq) from 199.8 metres, including 1.0 metre at 12.5 g/t gold and 1.1% Sb (13.5 g/t AuEq) from 202.3 metres.
MDDSC019, also at Golden dike, drilled 95 metres east-northeast of MDDSC018, intersected 1.0 metre at 3.5 g/t gold and 0.1% Sb (3.5 g/t AuEq) from 52.0 metres; 4.0 metres at 0.9 g/t gold and 0.0% Sb (1.0 g/t AuEq) from 159.0 metres.
MDDSC020, testing below the Rising Sun mine, located 240 metres east-northeast from the Golden dike area, intersected 15.0 metres at 1.3 g/t gold and 0.4% Sb (1.8 g/t AuEq) from 207.0 metres, including 1.0 metre at 8.4 g/t gold and 0.2% Sb (8.7 g/t AuEq) from 207.0 metres; 0.7 metres at 2.8 g/t gold and 3.5% Sb (6.2 g/t AuEq) from 216.7 metres; drilled 120 metres below MDDSC003 (six metres at 1.6 g/t gold and 1.4% Sb (3.0 g/t AuEq) and historic drill hole VCRC022 (19 metres at 6.5 g/t gold and 0.3% Sb (6.8 g/t AuEq)).
MDDSC021, drilled 90 metres below MDDSC020 and the deepest intersection drilled to date at on the project, intersected 21.7 metres at 4.7 g/t gold and 1.0% Sb (5.6 g/t AuEq) from 274.7 metres, including 0.4 metre at 145.5 g/t gold and 20.0% Sb (165.4 g/t AuEq) from 277.0 metres; 1.1 metres at 19.2 g/t gold and 7.5% Sb (26.7 g/t AuEq) from 280.4 metres; 0.4 metres at 14.7 g/t gold and 3.3% Sb (17.9 g/t AuEq) from 287.4 metres located 600 metres west from the channel samples recently announced (14.0 metres at 11.5 g/t gold and 0.3% Sb, including 8.0 metres at 19.6 g/t gold and 0.4% Sb).
MDDSC022, drilled 115 metres east of MDDSC0020 below the Root Hog mine area, did not intersect significant mineralization within a zone of structural complexity.
Drilling continues. Geophysical surveys have been completed. A 1,600-point soil sampling program has also been completed.