Max Resource defines two mineralized outcrops at Cesar, Colombia
Max Resource Corp. [TSXV-MAX; OTC-MXROF; FSE-M1D2] reported that two additional mineralized outcrops have been discovered at target AM-14, located on its mining concession within the AM district of its wholly owned Cesar copper-silver project in northeastern Colombia. In addition, the company has received the final data from the 10,000 line-km property-wide airborne magnetic and radiometric survey.
The discoveries at AM-14 highlight the scale of potential deposits on the Cesar Copper-Silver Project: AM-14 lies along a 15-km corridor of high-grade, stratiform Copper-Silver mineralization.The 15-km corridor is parallel to the regional strike of the sedimentary rocks and has highlight grades of 24.8% copper and 230 g/t silver.
These discoveries bring the total number of outcrops at AM-14 to 7 and provide further confirmation that several horizons of stratiform mineralization are present within the sedimentary sequence in the AM District.
The Copper-Silver bearing outcrops are exposed up to 285m along strike and are up to 4.0m thick. There is strong evidence for continuity of mineralized layers between AM-14 and AM-07, a distance of 1.5-km.
Over 10,000 line-km high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey were collected. The survey area covers 114,650 km2 of prospective geology. Data analysis and a structural interpretation are underway with results expected in Q2.
“The exploration crews continue to expand the company’s latest copper-silver discoveries in multiple directions, confirming significant horizontal extents of multiple copper-silver horizons, duplicating the success at other AM targets, at the Conejo and at URU Districts,” said Brett Matich, CEO.
“Concentrated exploration in each of these three areas along 120-km of the CESAR Basin continues to expand the Copper-Silver mineralization footprint, strongly supporting Max’s geological model for CESAR as an analog to both Kupferschiefer in Poland/Germany and Kamoa-Kakula in DRC,” he concluded.
The Cesar Copper Silver Project comprises three districts: AM, Conejo and URU. Collectively the three contiguous districts stretch over 120-km in NNE/SSW direction.
In 2022, Max executed a 2-year co-operation agreement with Endeavour Silver Corp. [TSX-EDR; NYSE-EXK], which assists to expand its 100%-owned landholdings, Endeavour will hold an underlying 0.5% NSR.
The wholly owned Cesar project sits along the Colombian portion of the world’s largest producing copper belt (Andean belt), with world-class infrastructure and the presence of global majors (Glencore and Chevron).
In addition, Max controls the RT Gold project (100% earn-in) in Peru, encompassing a bulk tonnage primary gold porphyry zone, and 3-km to the NW, a gold bearing massive sulphide zone. Historic drilling in 2001, returned values ranging 3.1 to 118.1 g/t gold over core lengths ranging from 2.2 to 36.0m.