Max Resource samples 2.2% copper, 12.8 g/t silver over 5.2 metres at Cesar, Colombia

Max Resource Corp. [TSXV-MAX; OTC-MXROF; FSE-M1D2] has received high-grade assay results from rock-chip channel sampling collected at the AM-14 target in the AM district of its wholly owned Cesar copper-silver project in northeast Colombia.
Highlights: The assays at AM-14 confirm copper-silver stratiform mineralization at Cesar is extensive and demonstrate significant thickness: Results include 2.2% copper and 12.8 g/t silver over 5.2 metres and 4.8% copper and 53.6 g/t silver over 2.2 metres.
AM-14 lies along a 15-km corridor of high-grade, stratiform copper silver mineralization. Four distinct copper silver mineralized horizons have been discovered at AM-14.
“We are elated to confirm that high-grade copper and silver assay results over substantial widths from the numerous outcrops at AM-14 not only confirm our thesis of Kupferschiefer style mineralization but also substantiate our belief that the 15-km corridor of mineralization has the potential to host a significant “
MAX’s field team is currently expanding the exploration footprint at AM-14 to define the limits of the copper silver mineralization and to obtain a thorough understanding of the multiple mineralized horizons both in the context of AM-14 and equally important, in the context of the Cesar Basin,” he concluded.
All four of the outcropping mineralized beds are open along strike with copper silver bearing sandstone horizons traced for up to 285 metres along strike. Crews continue to map the area in deal with the goal of extending the footprint of mineralization. Assays from the two remaining outcrops discovered at AM-14 are pending and will be released when received.
Assay results from continuous chip channel samples collected at two different locations at the AM-14 target are presented in Table 1 and Table 2 below.
The Cesar Copper Silver Project comprises three districts: AM, Conejo and URU. Collectively the three contiguous districts stretch over 120-km in NNE/SSW direction.
This region provides access to major infrastructure resulting from oil & gas and mining operations, including Cerrejon, the largest coal mine in South America, held by global miner Glencore. Max’s 20 mining concessions collectively span over 188-km2.
In 2022, Max executed a 2-year co-operation agreement with Endeavour Silver Corp. [TSX-EDR; NYSE-EXK], which assists to expand its 100% owned landholdings, Endeavour will hold an underlying 0.5% NSR.
Midway south, the Conejo District is the most recent to be recognized and is characterized by structurally controlled mineralization hosted in intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks. Numerous mineralized outcrops have been discovered over 3.7-km at the primary target in the district with surface samples averaging 4.9% copper (2% cut-off). No drilling has been conducted at Conejo, but it has emerged as an area of focus for the Company.
Mineralization within the URU District is hosted in intermediate volcanic rocks and is structurally controlled, similar to deposits in the Central African Copper Belt. At URU-C, a 9.0-metre of 7.0% copper and 115 g/t silver surface discovery was confirmed at depth by drill hole URU-12, which intersected 10.6 metres of 3.4% copper and 48 g/t silver. At the URU-CE target, 750 metres to the east, 19.0 metres of 1.3% copper discovered in outcrop was confirmed by drill hole URU-9, which intersected a broad zone of copper oxide returning 33.0 metres of 0.3% copper from 4.0 metres, including 16.5 metres of 0.5% copper.
CESAR Target Evaluation: Max has identified and is evaluating 28 targets along the 120-km-long belt for potential drill testing. The company is focused on expanding, refining, and prioritizing these targets in preparation for a drill program. Initial efforts have been concentrated on those targets with the greatest size potential with work that includes the following field activities: Systematic chip and channel sampling of the mineralized outcrops. Detailed geological and structural mapping of each showing. Target scale prospecting and soil sampling.Airborne Magnetic/Radiometric Surveys.
Max has demonstrated that the Cesar basin is fertile for copper-silver mineralization over a large area; however, only a fraction of the basin has been explored. As a result, Max has dedicated one of its geological teams to regional exploration with the goal of discovering additional copper-silver prospects within its land package covering more than 1,000 km2.
Max Resource is advancing the newly discovered district-scale Cesar copper-silver project. The wholly owned Cesar project sits along the Colombian portion of the world’s largest producing copper belt (Andean belt), with world-class infrastructure and the presence of global majors (Glencore and Chevron).
In addition, Max controls the RT Gold project (100% earn-in) in Peru, encompassing a bulk tonnage primary gold porphyry zone, and 3-km to the NW, a gold bearing massive sulphide zone. Historic drilling in 2001, returned values ranging 3.1 to 118.1 g/t gold over core lengths ranging from 2.2 to 36.0 metres.