Metals Creek Resources updates Yellow Fox Antimony Project, Newfoundland

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Metals Creek Resources Corp. [TSXV: MEK; FSE: M1C1] has been advised by its option partner Lomiko Metals Inc. [TSXV: LMR] of an update on the Yellow Fox, antimony, silver, and gold property, Newfoundland, acquired from Metals Creek.

The Yellow Fox property is on the same trend as the past-producing Beaver Brook antimony mine, which is located 25km southwest of the property. Yellow Fox is an early-stage exploration property prospective in antimony, gold, and silver where historic works returned samples anomalous in gold (Au), antimony (Sb), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and silver (Ag). The trenching exposed the rocks, resulting in grab samples to 59.43 g/t Au, 11.10% Sb, 7.00% Zn, 72.90 g/t Ag, and 5.50% Pb in arsenopyrite-stibnite veins within altered monzogranite.

Alexander (Sandy) Stares, President, CEO and a director of Metals Creek, states, “We are pleased to see Lomiko moving ahead and execute a plan to further evaluate the potential at the prospective Yellow Fox property. This allows Metals Creek to remain focused on the Tillex Copper Project and the Ogden Gold Project in Timmins Ontario while the Yellow Fox Project moves forward.”

Gordana Slepcev, CEO, President, and Director of Lomiko, stated: “We are pleased to move forward with the Phase 1 work program at the Yellow Fox property with a targeted soil sampling program to take place in the spring. The plan is to complete 10 lines at 250 meters spacing and collect approximately 700 soil samples to better define existing highly prospective antimony and silver and gold targets as well as further evaluate south of the Yellow Fox showing where little to no work has been performed historically. We are happy to be working with Metals Creek, who will manage and complete the work program for Lomiko.”

Lomiko reviewed existing data and devised a plan for the fieldwork program in the spring of 2025.

Phase 1 of the plan in the spring is focused on soil sampling with the following highlights: soil sampling program targeted south of Yellow Fox, showing 59.413 g/t gold and areas of increased density of interpreted structures.

Approximately 700 soil samples on ten 250m spaced lines trending approximately 110 degrees with samples taken every 25m along the line.

Should the soil sampling program be proven effective, expansion of the lines and additional lines to the south are warranted, which would be the focus of the Phase 2 program.

Phase 2 will see the soil sampling completed on the 250-meter parallel grids at 25-meter spacing covering the southern end of the property.

Phase 2 will also focus on ground truthing existing targets as well as following up on newly generated targets

Depending on the results of the phase 1 testing, a targeted EM survey will be undertaken.

The Yellow Fox Property is located approximately 10 km southwest of the Town of Glenwood NL, and south of the Trans-Canada Highway. The Property occurs within NTS map sheets 02D/14 and 15 with excellent access along several logging and skidder roads originating from Glenwood. The main Yellow Fox showing is located in the central part of License 027536M, 5km from the western end of Gander Lake. The property is centered at approximately UTM (NAD 27) grid coordinates 5,419,400m North and 645,300m East.

Geologically, Yellow Fox exhibits similar traits to that of Beaver Brook with cross-cutting structural zones which show intense carbonate alteration with sulphide-bearing stringers to veins of stibnite and arsenopyrite with similar high-grade tenors of antimony, gold, lead, zinc, and silver. Arsenopyrite is also present in both locations. Two prominent fracture vein sets are present, one being the muscovite-pyrite-rutile veins trending 356 degrees and the second stibnite-quartz-arsenopyrite being the most abundant and trending 025 degrees. Both these veins sets are similar to that of the past producing Beaver Brook antimony Mine and with both vein sets trending in N to NE which is same as the prospective regional structures.

Metals Creek has earned a 50% interest in the Ogden Gold Property from Newmont Corp., including the former Naybob Gold mine, located 6 km south of Timmins, Ontario and has an 8 km strike length of the prolific Porcupine-Destor Fault (P-DF).

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