Mountain Boy samples 39,293 g/t silver at Theia Project, Golden Triangle, BC

Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. [MTB-TSXV; MBYMF-OTC] reported results of the 2020 fieldwork, which identified a 500-metre-long trend of silver-bearing mineralization on the newly acquired Theia property in British Columbia’s Golden Triangle. Based on encouraging results, Mountain Boy will continue exploration on the property during the upcoming 2021 field season.
The company has been researching silver occurrences in the Golden Triangle that were identified in earlier exploration programs focused on gold. The Mountain Boy geological team was attracted to high-grade silver results reported in the 1990s that had not been followed up since their discovery. Based on these results and other mineralized occurrences in the area, the company consolidated a 100% ownership in 9,265 hectares (92 km2) of mineral rights through staking and three purchase agreements.
Historic exploration on the Theia property began with base metal discoveries in the 1960s. In the 1990s, following the discovery of the nearby Red Mountain gold deposit, the area was explored for gold, resulting in the discovery of several gold-bearing quartz veins as well as some high-grade silver veins.
In 2020, field work was spent following up on the high-grade silver occurrences identified in the 1990s. The team confirmed the historic occurrences and extended the mineralized trend to 500 meters.
Recent grab samples include the following results: 9 kg/t silver, 3.45 g/t gold, 45.8% lead, 1.25% copper, 2.57% zinc.1.68 kg/t silver, 3.46 % lead, and 2.7% zinc.
Highlights of historic and 2020 results include sample AD0217672 that assayed 39,293.0 g/t silver, 3.941 g/t gold, 1.251% copper, 45.790% lead and 2.570% zinc; sample ERK94070 with 7,409.0 g/t silver, 4.5 g/t gold, 2.180% copper; sample ERK94071 with 4,320.0 g/t silver, 2.850 g/t gold, and 0.662% copper. Refer to company press release for complete assays.
The geological team is assembing results of previous work conducted by numerous companies over various parts of this extensive property. An airborne magnetics and VTEM survey identified a number of EM and magnetic trends of interest. The company plans a more thorough interpretation of this geophysical survey and will use the results in guiding future field work. Receding glaciers in the area have also exposed ground that has never been explored. A follow-up program is being designed for 2021 to further evaluate the Theia project and an application for a drill permit has been submitted.