Mountain Boy samples up to 20.2% copper at Southmore, Golden Triangle, British Columbia

Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. [MTB-TSXV; MBYMF-OTCQB] reports results from the geophysical survey further supports the large-scale porphyry potential of the Southmore project, northwestern British Columbia. Information from the SkyTEM survey flown last fall has been interpreted together with results from work in the early 1990s and from two field seasons by MTB geologists.
“The SkyTem results supplement the information from the field work, supporting the premise that the widespread copper and gold values at Southmore could be related to a porphyry system,” noted Vice President Exploration Lucia Theny.
The 50 km2 Southmore Project is located in BC’s Golden Triangle region in the vicinity of several large porphyry deposits including Galore Creek (Teck-Newmont), Schaft Creek (Teck-Copper Fox), Saddle and Saddle North (Newmont) and the operating Red Chris copper-gold mine (Newcrest-Imperial Metals). The completed portion of the Galore Creek access road is within 10 km of the property.
The Mountain Boy geological team has compiled results from historic work in the 1990s, field programs in 2019 and 2020 and the SkyTEM airborne magnetometer and electromagnetic survey flown in 2021.
Results from the geophysics are as follows. In the eastern end of the property, a large magnetic high is associated with intrusive rocks of the More Creek plutonic suite. The magnetic anomaly indicates that the western boundary of the plutonic suite is oriented in approximately a north-south direction.
In the northwestern part of the property, a semi-circular magnetic high coincides with multiple outcrops of dykes that are interpreted to be part of the More Creek plutonic suite and suggests that the extent of this intrusive is much larger than indicated in the current mapping. The west flank of this high magnetic anomaly also has a north/northwest oriented shallow, high conductivity anomaly.
In the southwest part of the property is a series of magnetic highs that form linear anomalies. These anomalies are generally oriented northeast and appear to be broken in multiple places. In the south-southeast side of the property, on the east facing slope above the river, is a very high amplitude, localized magnetic anomaly. This is the strongest magnetic response on the survey grid. The anomaly consists of two narrow, linear bodies, oriented north to northeast and each approximately 300-350 metres in length. This anomaly is also associated with a high conductivity anomaly.
Situated between the magnetic anomaly #4 above and the high magnetic anomaly #2 associated with intrusive rocks of the More Creek plutonic suite, is a discrete northeast oriented high magnetic anomaly. The anomaly is approximately 800m in length and is bounded by major north-south structures on both sides.
In the central part of the survey block is an extensive magnetic low situated between the two high magnetic responses associated with intrusive rocks of the More Creek plutonic suite. The magnetic low corresponds to mapped intermediate to felsic tuffs, breccia, and flow rocks and is interpreted as being lithological in nature.
Assays of up to 3.6 g/t gold, 111 g/t silver, 20.2% copper, 2.85% lead and 12.4% zinc have been returned from the property. Three styles of mineralization have been recognized.
Mountain Boy CEO, Lawrence Roulston, noted, “Compilation of airborne geophysical data with the historic geological mapping and sampling has provided excellent insight into where future exploration efforts should be directed.”
The near-terms plans include ground truthing the #4 and #5 high magnetic anomalies as well as alteration mapping using short wavelength infrared (SWIR) analysis and airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and further geochemistry.
Mountain Boy has six active projects spanning 624 km2 (62,464 hectares) in the prolific Golden Triangle of northern British Columbia.